Article Archive

WayneTech Sells to the Russians!

It’s not really even a story, but Vladimir Putin clearly knows that criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot. Scroll…

Going WAY Back: Nascent iFanboy

I was going through some old e-mail recently, and I found this gem from the past. The birth of iFanboy…

They better not frak it up this time: New York Comic Con 2007

New York Comic Con is a little more than two months away and that’s not too soon to start planning…

“…And We’re Back” – Server Issues

In an ironic twist of fate, as we begin discussing the next version of iFanboy, the internet gods decided we… 3.0 Is Coming! (UPDATE)

UPDATE! Thanks for the great comments — this thread is closed now but if you have any other thoughts or…

First Look: Justice League on ‘Smallville’

Tolly points us in the direction of a Smallville promo that gives us our first look at the Justice League!…

Comics Fans of the World Unite and Take Over! Let’s Install Augie at Wizard

For those of you who do not know, Wizard Magazine recently fired their Editor In Chief. Then, oddly, they posted…

iFanboy Hearts RSS

In a long overdue move, but one motivated by our ongoing desire to improve iFanboy and give you what you…

Dave Cockrum Remembered

I know this is old news, but I haven’t seen a more accurate, truer look back on who Dave Cockrum…

Read Vertigo #1s For Free

Read a lot about Preacher on iFanboy this week but never gave it a shot yourself? You like The Cure…