Article Archive

Great Moments in Comics History: The Flash #161

You know, maybe it’s not such a good idea that Barry Allen came back…

Great Moments in Comics History: My Greatest Adventure #80

What wheelchair-bound geniuses did before the internet.

The iFanboy Letter Column – 04/24/2009

Friday has come around again, so of course, we endeavor to empty the mailbag and spread our disinformation, er….knowledge.

Great Moments in Comics History: Fantastic Four #9

The only degree that Reed Richards doesn’t have is in finance.

Great Moments in Comics History: Secret Wars #4

James Rhodes always looks out for the ladies.

The iFanboy Letter Column – 04/17/2009

Friday has come around again, so of course, we endeavor to empty the mailbag and spread our disinformation, er….knowledge.

The iFanboy Letter Column – 04/10/2009

Friday has come around again, so of course, we endeavor to empty the mailbag and spread our disinformation, er….knowledge.

The iFanboy Letter Column – 04/03/2009

Hey!  It’s Friday, so it’s time to thin the iFanboy mailbag and get to some answering.  Keep sending your questions!

Smallville – S08E18 – Eternal

The road to Clark vs. Doomsday begins!

Lost – S05E11 – Whatever Happened, Happened

Won’t get fooled again.  No, no.