Article Archive

Light Week? Try Dorothy and the Wizard In Oz #1, Rachel Rising #2, and American Vampire #19

Shine a light on your stack and make sure it’s filled with good comics!

Top 5: Comic Book Rock Stars

They wanna rock and roll all night, party every day, and shoot lasers out of parts of their bodies between dinner and dusk.

DC Relaunch Week Three – By the Numbers

The third week of DC ruling comics comes to a close, and this is what the iFanbase thought. In numbers.

New Comics for 09.28.2011 went for a ‘Drive’

Get to pulling your books and then tell the world what you’re excited for!

Strong Women of the New DC Universe

Looking for some great female characters in the New DCU? Check out Wonder Woman, Batwoman, Supergirl, and Birds of Prey.

SPOTLIGHT: Like Scalped? Like Criminal? Try Loose Ends!

Hardboiled or southern fried? Either way, this caper’s golden.

The iFanboy Letter Column – 09.23.2011

We get letters. Lots of letters.

Weekly Sketch Up – 09.23.2011

Super chimp, Gronch, and some Kirby make the cut this week.

The Best of the Week in Covers – 09.21.2011

The chains we forge in life make for a haunting portrait, Boston Brand.

The Best of the Week in Panels – 09.21.2011

We have many panels from Catwoman #1, Hulk #41, Supergirl #1, Captain Atom #1, Birds of Prey #1, X-Men: Schism #4, Wonder Woman #1, Captain America #3, & Batman #1