DC Relaunch: Top 5 Books Ron is Looking Forward To

This week marks the beginning of the biggest story in comic books in years: DC Comics’ audacious relaunch of their entire line of superhero books. The old universe ends with Flashpoint #5 and the new DC Universe begins with Justice League #1, both in stores on Wednesday. It’s certainly an exciting time to be a comic book fan.

With all the new books and creators in mind, Monday through Thursday of this week the iFanboy editorial staff will present to you the Top 5 DC Books that we’re looking forward to. I’m kicking things off.

The Top 5 DC Relaunch Books That I’m Looking Forward To


Justice League #1; Cover by Jim Lee

1) Justice League

Recently I was reminiscing about what got me into DC Comics and I realized it was JLA in the mid 1990s (thanks to Grant Morrison).  Within that book, I saw the potential of these big guns of DC Comics and how they can make good comics. It marked my entry into the DC Universe and I will never forget that. Jim Lee was first artist I ever self-admitted I was a fan of, so the idea of Lee, along with one of my favorite writers in Geoff Johns, makes Justice League a must read (and a bit of a no brainer).

2) The Flash

My favorite character in the DC Universe is The Flash, simple as that. For some reason, I’ve always been drawn to The Flash (no matter Wally West or Barry Allen) and ever since the meltdown in the mid-2000s of the title, I’ve been waiting for The Flash to be good again. We got a taste of it when Johns and Francis Manapul restarted the title, and now with Manapul drawing and writing, along with Brian Buccallato, I hope we’re on the verge of a new, fun era with my favorite character.

3) Stormwatch

Being a long time Wildstorm fan, I was surprised to not only see Stormwatch as one of the new 52 from DC, but to see it written by Paul Cornell and include a mix of Wildstorm characters and DC characters like Martian Manhunter, this book became one to watch. While at San Diego this year, we heard Paul Cornell give more details about the book such as “Stormwatch fights the moon!”  and that made me that much more excited for the zany potential of this book that challenged our notions of super heroes back in the early 2000s.

4) Animal Man

I’ve been watching Jeff Lemire rise in his career ever since reading his first work with the Essex County Trilogy for Top Shelf. He’s grown as a writer with his Vertigo series Sweet Tooth and we’ve seen him cross over to super heroes with Superboy. Now, with Animal Man, Lemire has the opportunity to take one of the best characters DC has and put his unique spin on it, along with the one of a kind art of Travel Foreman, could produce what I believe could be one of the runaway hits of the new 52.

5) Red Hood & The Outlaws

Yeah, I’m surprised by this one as well.  I’ll be honest though, I could care less about Jason Todd or any of the characters in this book. I know there’s a ton of a baggage with Scott Lobdell writing, but for me, this book is all about the art. Ever since discovering Kenneth Rocafort through his work on Top Cow and I’ve been dying for more. So now I get my wish, in the form of Red Hood and the Outlaws. If anything exemplifies the insanity of the new 52 for me, it’s this book.

And just for fun…

#6-10: Grifter; Justice League Dark; O.M.A.C.; Batwoman; Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E.



  1. Good to see some top five love for Animal Man. I can’t WAIT to read the first issue, and I agree; I think it’s gonna be the book that everybody’s talking about once it hits the shelves.

  2. Stormwatch should be very interesting. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Wildstorm crew integrates with the rest of the DCU.

    Animal Man should be fun, too.

    I’m probably not going to pick up Red Hood & The Outlaws unless you guys give it stellar reviews.

  3. all this titles look good. would really like to see what they are going to do w/ animal man

  4. Ron, how will you be picking up your top 5? Print or Digital?

    • Print to start with – I preordered all #1 issues at my Local Comic Book Store

    • Thanks Ron. I think it’ll be pretty tough to Not get the #1s in print.

      I want my great-great-great grand kids to be overjoyed when they find old pappy Smasher keep a copy of Action Comics #1 in mylar for their space college tuition.

  5. I’ve traditionally been way more into Marvel, but there are so many DC titles coming out that I really wanna read. I can’t wait.

  6. No Superman?

  7. Animal Man. No doubt. Love Lemire’s work!

  8. Stormwatch and maybe Animal Man are the types of books i’m interested in, but prob won’t be able to fit into my pull list. We’ll see. I barely remember Stormwatch from the 90s…that fact that its still around says something.

  9. @Ron

    Have you looked at any of the recent Rocafort/Cornell issues of Action Comics? I thought they were pretty bad writing wise but I was totally impressed with the art.

  10. @Ron I’m pumped about Red Hood & The Outlaws for the same reason you are!

  11. I’m definitely looking forward to Rocafort art as well. That guy is great!

  12. I’m most excited for:
    1. Action Comics
    2. Justice League
    3. Justice League International
    4. Batman
    5. Detective
    6. Animal Man
    7. Justice League Dark
    8. Frankenstein
    9. Stormwatch
    10. Flash

  13. as a person who hasnt really read dc in recent years is the writer that bad on Detective Comics?? I have not read one good comment about Tony Daniel but the arc that they are setting up looks intresting but now ive become reluctant to buy it

  14. Avatar photo JeffR (@JeffRReid) says:

    I’m with you, Ron, on the Flash being my favorite DC hero. However, I really dug him because of Mark Waid (and later Geoff Johns)’s runs with Wally. Specifically, I loved the idea that the Flash was just one of many speedsters. They were a family that did things together out of this little city in the midwest. Everyone had their role to play in that family and, I dunno, it just really spoke to me. In this new series, Francis Manapul has stated that Barry will be the only speedster and that doesn’t appeal to me as much as the family dynamic. Sadly, this means that the series is no longer a sight unseen purchase for me.

    So, Ron, as a fellow Flash fan please let us know your thoughts on the book when it comes out! I’m really wondering if it’ll be worth a trade purchase.

  15. For moi:

    1) Justice League
    2) The Flash
    3) Action Comics
    4) All-Star Western
    5) Nightwing

  16. I’m getting pumped while seeing everyone’s list. I can’t believe how damn exciting all this really is. If I’m not careful with all this craziness, I’ll end up ordering the big 52 HC.

  17. I’m not sure about Animal Man to be honest. Preview pages were released a couple of weeks ago and…..well the art looks pretty hideous. Characters are woefully off model every panel and it’s a ‘scary’ book because Foreman draws everybody so weird. Everyone looks like a deformed circus freak….

    That and Kenneth Rocafort’s direction in drawing Starfire is ‘less clothing every issue’. The cover for #1 was ridiculous but interiors for ‘Red Hood’ #3 makes me wonder if the Comics Code should come back. She’s basically a stripper is what I’m saying.

  18. you know rocafort isnt going to be able to do a monthly gig. enjoy your 7-8 pages of fill-in artists every issue

  19. Is Animal man a vegan? I think I read that somewhere. I really would read it if that were true.

  20. I too am stoked for Animal Man but the preview art did not turn my crank.

    • That’s the reason I’m on it actually. Whoever is inking Foreman or he himself switched up his art to a really delicate line that makes so weird it’s really interesting.

  21. Rocafort is the only reason I’m picking up that book as well!

  22. I’m very excited about Animal Man. Him getting his own monthly again kind of makes up for some of the good DC books we’ve lost. Hopefully.

  23. I always forget about Animal Man coming out but I love what I’ve read of Jeff Lemire and I dig the character so I’ll check it out

  24. excited for all these books. Most looking foward to justice league, batman, animal man, action comics, and the flash. Cant wait for this new DC universe to start.

  25. Manapul writing Flash … I’ll wait for reviews thanks. Stormwatch? I like Paul Cornell so I hope it is good but again i’ll wait for the reviews. No interest at all in the others …

  26. OMAC, thats interesting. Let us know how it goes.

  27. Top 5 for me has to be
    1:Action comics
    5:JLA dark

  28. Ron, LOVE the Red Hood and The Outlaws pick. I am interested in that just to see where it goes. The art is seriously good and the story sounds weird. I think it’s awesome that you are “calling your shot.”

    Scott in Wylie