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Name: Andrew Cardinale

Bio: www.highway51.nethttp://filmguy51.deviantart.comwww.pownce.com/drewcardi


After all the hype about New Frontier (the book) and then anticipation of the DVD I read New Frontier and…

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d1whowas's Recent Comments
March 16, 2008 12:59 am I don't care what happens in season 8, all i know is that he better be in costume in the last ep or the ENTIRE SHOW will be a failure.
March 7, 2008 2:33 pm Just noticed the gerter belt on Silk Spectre's suit. Awesome.
March 7, 2008 2:29 pm

Night Owl looks like too much of a bad-ass. Not the character. I have no problem with the other stuff.

The book, among other things, was a commentary on what comics had turned into in the 20 or so years preceeding the books release. If Snyder is able to do the same thing, but only for comic book movie adaptions, then I think the movie will do fine. I think that's why he choose the Schumacher-esc suits: as an example of comic adaptions done poorly.

February 28, 2008 10:02 am

"My Mother, the Kranken"


Sounds like a bad sitcom waiting to happen. 

February 27, 2008 12:04 pm

It was pretty good. They cut a lot, and most of what they cut (the Looser's story line and the stuff about Hal's dad) I think made the story more shallow than what it was in the book. There's other nit-picky stuff, but that's the main think. It needed to be at least 20 mins longer.

Oh, and they cut out my favorite line in the book: Jimmy saying, "She loved him you idiot!" (or something along those lines, lol)

February 25, 2008 9:47 pm

I totally agree with you, Conor. When Sinestro Corps ended, they set this book up to be a buddy cop book with Guy and Kyle, which is awesome. This came totally out of left field, which isn't always a bad thing, but this book was just awful.



February 25, 2008 9:39 pm

I'm gonna give Action a shot because people have been talking about it. I hate jumping on in the middle of arcs.

 I noticed Dan Dare this week says 4 of 7. Was it always a mini or did it just not sell? Either way, that sucks because I was really enjoying that book.

 Oh, I hate to admit it, but I'm picking up Kick Ass #1 just for the title. If it sucks, I'm droping it just as fast as I picked it up, lol.

February 15, 2008 8:57 am Their factory is within a mile of my house. It's in such a crappy area. I'm surprised it hasn't been condemned yet, lol