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Name: Malte Möhring




I am unsure what to think of this issue. It is a solid story but it lacks the genius of…

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It’s really simple: This is a solid, maybe you can/wanna call it classic, Batman Story. Nothing here is really new…

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Athough i like the overall story of the book, i was a little disappointed by this issue. Maybe it’s because…

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xBigbyx's Recent Comments
June 12, 2012 6:42 am Phillips on a Kingpin Book? I gotta check this one out. And Adlard on Supeman? Interesting, i only remember him working on a Scarface Story besides TWD.
June 8, 2012 9:48 pm I haven't read all posts but my guess would be Mac Farlane. If he would return to a new series or do an arc at one of the big two it would boost the sales i think. but its debatable because he is'nt really active.
June 8, 2012 9:59 am I'm reading but this issue is make or break for me. Its not bad written but it feels to slow for me up to this point. i was expecting a oceans elvenesque story, with a big robbery, some chases etc. if the story speeds up and gets some action i will stay.
June 8, 2012 9:45 am I love Yotsuba, the serie is awesome and incredibly funny. i have the first 7 trades (german) and every single one was really good. the scene where she punchs a sheep at the zoo made me laugh so hard.
June 1, 2012 9:43 am If you wanna read a good Freeze Story it is worth 5$. If you wanna read a Batman Story or a story which really ties in to The court of owls it's not.
June 1, 2012 9:27 am For Americas got Power its that they got the look of Americas got Talent and if thats what the book is about (which i assume, didn't read it) and i like the white space. The drawing is bad, like is said, Hitch was so good but sadly doesn't live up to the hype anymore. And for the TMNT Cover, its Shredder. Not a well crafted argument, but ist all i got ;)
June 1, 2012 9:09 am Good Collection. I also liked Grim Leaper, TMNT and Supercrooks. The overall design of America's got Powers is nice (as always at Image) but the face of the guy... Hitch was so much better.
June 1, 2012 5:52 am I would agree. Like i said above "if its not done for pr reason". but on the other hand, it first was a comment on a con, not a major press release and it was before the northstar announcement.
June 1, 2012 5:30 am I haven't read Earth 2 yet, but i like the decision. It shouldn't bother anyone if its well written and is not done mainly for pr reason. in a perfect world this wouldn't even be worth a headline, but until then we need well written (meaning normal) gay characters to educate people. it reflects our world, so why complain.
May 29, 2012 12:24 pm Light Week, only Batman Annual, Animal Man Annual and Peter Panzerfaust. BQ: Hung out with my friends, ate vegan Pizza and later watched a UFC PPV.