
Name: Joel

Bio: I'm a pastor from Central Pennsylvania who is one of DC's much wished for new comics readers for the New 52. While I'm certainly a longtime geek by any measure, comics are new to me. The Green Lantern movie inspired my beginning to read comics, not because it was the best comic movie (it's not), but because GL seemed really interesting to me.



The solicit of this project was great; in that form I should have LOVED this book. Unfortunately, it didn’t work….

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Drips and drabs of plot details being revealed slowly builds suspense, but having many strands wisping in the wind creates…

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As a new reader, I know very little about Swamp Thing coming to this series. I did not order it…

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uccrisser's Recent Comments
April 2, 2013 4:47 pm The art in this issue was beautifully ugly. Cullen Bunn has delivered a comic that is the beginning of something I must read. It would be easy to be cynical and dismiss this as an attempt to fuse two popular genres, but the story is engaging and filled with possibilities. Give it a shot.
October 15, 2011 12:00 am Good point, I was too busy being irritated by them to notice just unrealistic they were. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far
October 13, 2011 10:09 pm I don't think my pull counts--DCBS order was final before I could have gotten it off my list. This book is a huge disappointment
October 13, 2011 8:08 am I had a strange reaction to this book. I did not like the first issue at all, but as I continued the story was engaging. I will probably pick up volume 2 from instocktrades sometime.