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Name: Avery Williams

Bio: My first forray into comics was the last issue of West Coast Avengers featuring the death of Mockingbird. After losing touch for a while and finding joy in japanese material, i came back into comics early in 2004 and quickly returned to be an opinionated fanboy complaining about creators(cough cough Jeph Loeb) ruining my favorite books. I'm a hardcore Marvel Zombie with ties to the X-Universe and i occasionally dabble in DC through the Teen Titans, Green Lantern and Flash titles.


I’ve been loving second coming which has sort been the second coming of the great xmen crossover. The momentum of…

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Before i actually talk about the issue itself, i want to say that i enjoy Andy Diggle as a writer….

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twistedkaijuu07's Recent Comments
May 7, 2010 2:38 pm

I agree with Cutty Fraction honestly has some serious characterization problems that need to be adressed as well as some minor continuity issues. Why was Magma all worked up about Kurt being dead to my recollection they haven't had any interaction and did Colossus just rush to Kitty in the sick bay and completely ignore Kurt's dead body. Overall i like the issue, i liked the slowed passing to allow the X-men to mourn and the Magneto Hope moment was interesting but the way a majority of the characters acted sort of just rubbed me the wrong way. Also i hate beast and calling out scott as responsible in the middle of Nightcrawler's funeral was just bad taste when honestly it was pretty much Wolverine's fault that Kurt died

May 7, 2010 1:04 pm My favorite part of the DCU continuity and the main reason i started reading superman again, sure there are loads of characters but honestly look at any team book and tell me they haven't had just as many characters. The only thing the Legion has done different is focus on all of their characters rathen then pick a core team tell the story of like 4 of them and let the others be background filler
May 7, 2010 11:19 am Arrested development joke haha....i didn't think that terroist dude was the leader of the 10 rings i thought the plan was make the 10 rings as vague as possible so when its true leader the Mandarin showed up it would be an awesome pay off
May 5, 2010 10:10 pm i happen to like the dodson
May 5, 2010 11:27 am

GOOD GOD, i was really into second coming until this issue. I'm still reading but dreading the next cycle of Uncanny....i so want Kyle and Yost writing this book

May 3, 2010 3:53 pm It sure was, i'm hoping Fraction issue doesn't ruin my enjoyment
May 3, 2010 3:31 pm

Yeah i think Jimski's visceral reaction on how he died was a little jaded, i read it as Kurt realizing the situation was bad moving to teleport Hope away and Bastion recognizing this interrupting his porting with his hand and killing Kurt, not Kurt teleporting into the way of Bastion's hand. At least thats the way i saw it and who knows maybe it was poor writing though i doubt it because Kyle and Yost despite some minor hickups have been some of the stronger writers on the X-Books for a while

We all predicted Kurt's death and the writers kept attemptingt to divert it. I honestly think that Xmen promo with all the characters saying one will die was them trying to divert attention from Kurt biting it. In my opinion Kurt's death is really about other writers not having any stories to tell with him and more as Fraction has sort of picked up all the pieces of the Xbooks for his own control only allowing other characters out in other books when it fit. Fraction as essentially the sole Nightcrawler writher pretty much made Kurt completely useless as a character due to his new direction for the X-Books With this giant cast all in the same book character powers duplicate and alot of charactes become interchangable and his decision to transform Pixie from a cool background character to an annoying show stealer made Kurt redundant, plus his only appearences of characterizations had somethign to do with religion and completely ignored the cool swashbuckler Kurt of the past. The best Kurt i've read for a while was Mike Carey's brief Necrosha arc where he stepped up as a leader, but becasue of the direction of the X-Books that couldn't last long

April 30, 2010 3:14 pm

Its OGrady, Brubaker and Parker have been laying seeds that O'Grady when things get serious isn't that bad of a guy and this role is supposed to be his opportunity to truly shine

April 29, 2010 4:35 pm Looks like the weapons he's packing are far more ridculous then you would expect in a typical western so it hat me at horse drawn double chaingun but the supernatural thing has me apprehensive i'm not even a huge western fan and i'm with conner on being a little annoyed by this addition
April 29, 2010 4:26 pm She's had the code name butterfly for a while...its just wanna of those things where a character is know more by their real name then their code name like Luke Cage. As much as i love Mike Choi i think he missed the memo with Layla having been aged or is some time traveling involved