
Name: Dominic Zito



So Trinity War started. Our starting salvo to the event, Superman kills someone. Now as has been argued many times…

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Despite being a muddled mess in both writing and art, something appears in Superman Annual 1 that hasn’t appeared in…

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A fantastic set-up issue by Snyder featuring his trademark intellect and horror sensibilities. As he did with American Vampire, Snyder…

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supersnac90's Recent Comments
July 12, 2013 6:16 am I liked how he killed in Man of Steel. It was performed well, and written in a way were he had no other option unless that decided to get weird and Silver Agey, my problem with his murder there is a lack of immediate follow up on it. When it comes to Justice League, they try to set-up a mystery on how he was controlled, but basically told us who and had a one page spread where he touched the ultimate item of evil to help us figure out how. That could change but I don't see where the clues are. I also just don't find the situation in which he killed the character believable. And while from what the story gives us, I know I am not supposed to believe it, I feel like a good mystery should give me some doubt. It's less a problem with Superman killing more setting up the mystery, because I feel like most of the characters involved, wouldn't find it believable as well. By the way, I am really enjoying discussing this. It's helping me pinpoint the why behind my dislike better then normal. If I am coming across any other way I do apologize.
July 11, 2013 5:21 pm It does come across that way, but I'm trying not to. I think it can be done right, I just don't think this was the way to do it. Were there good parts to the book? Yes. But it would change my Story: 1 to a 2, just do to how it this part hinged on what I thought was a poor way to handle Superman murdering someone.
July 11, 2013 11:23 am I understand that Superman was controlled, I don't know how anyone couldn't with how many times they said it. My problem is the situation that was created to in which Superman was used to kill him. Was it being set-up for awhile? Yes. But of all the ways the villains could get this near god being to kill someone they choose to do it by having someone attack his girlfriend? Really? I mean Superman is that kind of protector but he has watched his demi-god girlfriend get attacked how many times by blasts like that? And Superman let her handle it herself. In this series alone ignoring any other of their rare appearances. The public would believe it, Waller and the naive heroes there would maybe even believe it. But us, the readers? Batman? Pretty much most of the Justice League? If you want to set-up a mystery, have us interested in not just the who but, but the how. This could be considered nit-picky for some, but it just makes me kind of disappointed at how much potential was there for a much better triggering act.
July 11, 2013 8:50 am Injustice is one. Man of Steel is two (Arguably, I admit). This is three. And I know that it is the point, but it felt so lazily done. Superman heat visioned someone in the face over his girlfriend getting blasted by an energy blast, which don't they do on a daily basis?
May 17, 2013 2:41 pm I really enjoyed this movie, even on an emotional level. I thought all of the actors did a fantastic enough job on the chemistry (and a great bit of a punch-up) that despite our lack of time with them they all feel really close. I can even dig that it's an re-telling of Wrath of Khan. My problem is with their direct Wrath of Khan referencing. The "Khan" was just awful, I laughed after having a serious bit of welling up going on. Some of the other lines like that (Many Outweigh Few, Am and always shall be) stuff like that just fell flat on me. The end bothered me a bit too. Not letting a death like that sit with an audience just does nothing for us. And how they introduce the concept of undoing the death was out of left field and awkward, though after thinking on the scene I can see how talking about the tribble testing could be Kirk attempting to threaten Khan in some way, but it wasn't filmed or acted in a way to support that.
April 8, 2013 2:13 pm I have been trying to think of what super-anything Michael C. Hall could play for years and never thought of that. And it is absolutely perfect for him. I could also see him as Cain or Bennett though even if it wouldn't feel as right.
April 8, 2013 2:13 pm I have been trying to think of what super-anything Michael C. Hall could lay for years and never thought of that. And it is absolutely perfect for him. I could also see him as Cain or Bennett though even if it wouldn't feel as right.
April 8, 2013 2:10 pm Whenever I see Adrien Brody I just think of Splice and have to prevent myself from throwing up for the next three hours (despite me liking the movie.) I do like him as Bennet though, he would nail the cynicism.
March 3, 2013 8:28 pm EDIT: -relates to the podcast. That's what happens when you do three things at once.
March 3, 2013 8:24 pm Fun comic book shop story that also relates to podcast. I have been a regular at my shop for four years, never missed a week unless I was in school, and I always came back to all my comics there. In front of the register are a couple of books the owner read and suggests. He finishes ringing me up and hands me my stuff when he talks to me about: Guardians of the Galaxy 0.1. He says it's great I should try it. I say yeah, okay, next week. Instead of me doing that, the owner picks up the book, rings it out and hands it to me. This is, of course, a good way of him getting continued repeat business but I enjoyed the gesture and hope others have or can experience it soon. Still feel like I owe him .39 cents.