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Name: james parr



I never do this, but I’m writing a review for once. That’s because, thanks to DC’s new digital policy, I…

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rafterman's Recent Comments
August 4, 2012 9:17 am These teases don't work for me. I'm interested in the new books and teams, of course. And I will read what looks interesting, but these do nothing to excite me. I'm down for the changes, but wonder if moving everyone around and changing book titles will do the trick. One day I expect every Marvel book to just have Wolverine, X-Men, or Avengers in the title. And each book will feature the same dozen characters. Uncanny All-New Avenging Wolverine and the X-Men Dark X-Force.
August 2, 2012 12:39 pm Posehn was on Mr. Show. That gives him plenty of cred. I may pick this up.
July 22, 2012 3:18 am Not excited at all. This still doesn't seem like a Superman story. We're getting an origin story that looks to just be borrowing from Batman Begins. He'll spend time "finding himself" and then become Supes for the final fight. I don't want to see him become Superman. I want to see him be Superman. This is the 6th Superman film and we still haven't seen him fight anything truly impressive.
July 10, 2012 9:30 pm Ugh. The final issue of Fantastic Four? Again? Jesus. Enough with first issues and final issues. It is really is time to move to a season model. Then you get number 1 every fall. Numbers should only matter to story arcs anyway. I'll still read the books if they are good, but enough with this stuff. It doesn't bring in any new people.
June 21, 2012 3:37 am I want Wildcats back so bad. Voodoo and Grifter in the New 52 have been a huge letdown. Actually, none of the Wildstorm stuff has really done anything for me in the DCU. For the above idea, I'd add that Charest should be there as a cover artist as well. So good, and you can really see how he evolved just by reading old Wildcats issues.
June 15, 2012 12:38 am No Rob Schneider? He's available.
June 14, 2012 5:56 am I read it. Awesome art. But like so many Bendis things I just find it so empty. Bunch of nothing leading up to the end. Nothing happened. His stuff is way too decompressed and it's just talking. One thing I really liked was how the lettering changed in the story. The style of regular Marvel 616 is different from the Ultimate style. It was cool.
June 14, 2012 12:28 am I woke up in the middle of the night to download and read this right away. It was worth it.
April 20, 2012 1:57 am I saw Rob and Skottie last year at SDCC. Bought a book from Rob, which he signed, and got a page from Skottie. Since I got those, I didn't ask for sketches, but I did see Skottie doing some work while I was going through his pages for sale, and the dude does good work. Overall, the best advice is still "don't be creepy."
April 17, 2012 4:00 am I have problems with how some events are structured, but I still like them when they are good. Just keep them organized well like Flashpoint and I will be happy. AvX is cool so far. But 12 issues? May end up being too many.