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Name: Pedro Piquer


pppiquer's Recent Comments
January 4, 2012 1:58 pm I would listen to Tom trying to figure out Legion of Superheroes forever
January 3, 2012 1:02 pm this is so freaking creepy in the best possible way
December 28, 2011 10:27 am Tim Drake is by far my favorite character in the DCU, I really hope the New 52 do right by him
December 27, 2011 1:16 pm Will jump on this one, to see if it's any good. I'm not a big fan of Cap or Bucky, but I might as well check out what all the fuzz is about... also, Francavilla's art cannot possibly disappoint.
December 26, 2011 4:02 pm I got a Spider-Man pajama, but that's about it =(
December 19, 2011 3:39 pm Lots of books this week, after several light weeks I just got two 20+ weeks in a row. BQ: The most I've spent withour sleep was around 40 hours during a really high strung exam week, turns out doing exams with near to no sleep is a really bad idea
November 23, 2011 3:04 pm Phil Noto is so good it's unfair to everyone else
November 21, 2011 4:06 pm was I, Vampire due this week or last? I looked for it last week but couldn't find it
October 18, 2011 2:16 pm That is some ridiculously beautiful art, but I have to agree with @nudebuddha, those bikini bottoms are... odd