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Name: Ian Raney

Bio: I grew up on Long Island (aka Longuyland),  learned in Michigan, and settled in San Diego.  I've been collecting comics since Justice League Europe #41, which may have led to me collecting  every Justice League comic from  DeMatteis and Giffen's Justice League #1 to Justice League of America #113 (yeah the one with Fire, Blue Devil, Ice Maiden, Nuklon, Obsidian, and the Yazz).  Currently I'm collecting more DC than Marvel but I don't take sides.  I love me some good indie books (Y, Fear Agent, Scalped), but I'm usually late to the party and end up picking up the first trade.  I'm not one for forums (I don't have time to keep checking back for response!), but glad that i can leave comments here at iFanboy. 


Definitely another solid issue.  It wasn’t as exciting as I was hoping though.  I think this was ruined by the…

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February 14, 2008 8:17 pm I thought that someone I recognized was writing it...  That said I definitely read that CBR article and still didnt' remember.

And if everyone felt like a dick for being mistakenly outraged (See Green Arrow/Black Canary Wedding) ....well...lets just say thats a lot of dick.
February 14, 2008 8:14 pm Heh...good call.  I guess that makes my comment meaningless.  But i liked the art anyway.....
February 14, 2008 2:17 pm Nothing that exciting...but damn the Ape fight was cool and brutal
February 14, 2008 2:16 pm

Blech.  i'm a big Busiek fan, but i have not liked his work on Superman.  I think I just haven't been too into the storylines.  Camelot seemed to last forever and would have random non-tie in issues in the middle. 

I've also never been a fan of dialogue that is a challenge to read.  I like Bizarro, but I hate reading his dialgoue (me love Bizarro dialgoue).  Here, i ended up skiming most of the bug talk because I didn't feel like deciphering it.  

i'm hoping 675 well end this run with a bang and I'm looking forward to what the Robinson does with the series. 

February 14, 2008 2:13 pm God this book was amazing.  I thought that Conner's art was good because this was kind of the conclusion to the wedding stuff.  The backstory stuff makes me want to go back and read more of the Green Arrow stuff when his son appeared (I've read some because it kept tying into to GL at the time, but not nearly all).
February 14, 2008 1:54 pm Mine had staple problems too!  The middle page had slipped out of one of the staples....argh!   I thought this was a solid issue though.  It may not be the direction the series was headed before MC, but i think that its the same book as before but in a different situation.  All the characters still ring true and I'm definitely excited to keep picking it up
February 14, 2008 1:52 pm ehh....I kind of thought it was going to progress the story more.  Not saying it was bad (it was actually a great issue), but i was looking for more.  The art though, continues to be great.
February 14, 2008 1:50 pm

I love this series.  Its about tons of characters but manages to focus us into the important ones.  We get to see tons of bat characters.  In this issue, I loved the way each page was puzzle pieces.  Even down to the piece they never reveal ( don't want to ruin who they are hiding...cause I don't want to....spoil...it).  Usually back story issues can tend to be boring, but this was done right.  It revealed exactly what we wanted to know and told a cohesive story as it jumped through time.

This series is exactly why my pull list is more DC than Marvel.  I love all these side minis about side characters (suicide squad, uncle sam, this, salvation run, etc).  I don't have to read this because it doesn't really tie into anything.  But if I'm looking to get more on the Batman Villians, I know which book to check out.

February 14, 2008 1:45 pm

I'm am constantly excited when this book comes out.  But this issue was lack luster.  I get what he was trying to do, but it didn't need to take up the whole issue.  Plus they did nothing to move along the Is Luke, Jessica, or the baby a Skrull storyline.  I get it, the baby has eyes which may or may not make it a Skrull.  And whats with the dialogue that is in brackets ().  Is that a thought bubble?  Or too quiet for the other characters to understand?  I found those confusing and irrelevant. 

But I still love the series and will obediently pick up the next issue. 

February 14, 2008 1:41 pm I have a feeling its because of the Green Lantern series.  My guess is that the Mongul story ties into GL (or maybe Final Crisis) and they are holding off until GL is done with the Alpha Lantern story.  Or its like Sinestro Corps War where they decided to flush things out more now that its popular.  Either way it was a lame issue.