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Name: Ian Raney

Bio: I grew up on Long Island (aka Longuyland),  learned in Michigan, and settled in San Diego.  I've been collecting comics since Justice League Europe #41, which may have led to me collecting  every Justice League comic from  DeMatteis and Giffen's Justice League #1 to Justice League of America #113 (yeah the one with Fire, Blue Devil, Ice Maiden, Nuklon, Obsidian, and the Yazz).  Currently I'm collecting more DC than Marvel but I don't take sides.  I love me some good indie books (Y, Fear Agent, Scalped), but I'm usually late to the party and end up picking up the first trade.  I'm not one for forums (I don't have time to keep checking back for response!), but glad that i can leave comments here at iFanboy. 


Definitely another solid issue.  It wasn’t as exciting as I was hoping though.  I think this was ruined by the…

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nroa's Recent Comments
February 14, 2008 1:38 pm

I kind of agree.  I'm still a big supporter of this series because its engaging enough and comes out weekly.  But I think they lost their way more than 52 did.  It seems to be all coming together, but its only because they basically forced everyone together.  I'm hoping that all the characters have a justified role on Apocalypse. 

 Anyone else confused by the chess game.  Is it a metaphor?  Is it real?  I guess it doesn't really matter, it just seems they are overusing it, if it is merely a metaphor

February 14, 2008 1:18 pm I like the stand-alone issues, but I'm really looking forward to a story arc.  I feel like we've been at the same status quo for a while and I'd like to see some shake-ups or a furthering of a story.  Not to say that it has been good, but I want to see Matt (I think his name is Matt...see its been so long since i've seen him I can't remember the main character!) get into trouble again.
February 14, 2008 11:48 am Another good issue...but I didn't really care about the character we lost.
February 14, 2008 11:46 am I found re-reading the comics in a long run, really opens your eyes to a lot of confusing parts.  When it hit about issue 50, I went back and read the first 6 trades.  I kept finding more connections between characters.  I think this is definitely a best read in trade in book..but I'm still buying it in issues.

Anyone notice that all the 'I's were '?'  
February 14, 2008 11:44 am Solid pick and solid read.  I think a few books came close but I definitely back this choice.  That said, there were a bunch of books that I was excited for and turned out lack luster...New Avengers anyone?
February 13, 2008 4:37 pm Well my original comment got cutoff after one sentence somehow...but the site is great!  Love the pull comics system and the ability to comment on individual issues, plus review them later. 

Next step in the site evolution should be to have a comic collection ...collector.  Something like Comicdb...but maybe simplier and more of a focus on checking out others collection rather than completely documenting yours.  Not sure how that would work, but the new site was a huge step, so maybe the next huge step could include this.

Keep up the great work on this and the 'cast
February 13, 2008 4:32 pm I love this book.  Its fun while not being completely silly.  They get to play with the DC universe in ways they can't in other books.  Plus a Zero Hour tie in?!  Brilliant.
February 13, 2008 4:28 pm I'm getting this soley because its a Wieringo tribute.  Other than that...I've found this to be a waste of money (not really a big fan of boosting the price to throw in old issues).
February 12, 2008 8:22 pm I was a little jarred at first.