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Name: neil jones


monkeeeboy's Recent Comments
May 13, 2010 9:24 am What was he in jail for, crimes against wordplay?
April 29, 2010 9:13 am The 'Gad, sir!"' guy looks pretty excited by it all from the way his apron's lifting up.
April 6, 2010 5:59 am

'Over a year's worth of stories builds to the final page of this series, and you don't want to miss it!'

So the best that can be said about this issue is that there's a good page in the next issue. Genius solicitation. 

February 3, 2010 7:40 am This was absolutely note-perfect stuff. The SAS dialogue, the killer payoff line, the insight into Frank psychology...  well done Mr Williams.
January 28, 2010 5:41 am

'A poetry to the word "cunt"'.... That's a man that gets Ennis :)

I think there's probably a sucker punch waiting at the end of this origins arc... it seems like a subversive take on origin stories to me and there's the ongoing suggestion that what we're hearing isn't the truth. The Boys remains the most consistently entertaining book I read.



January 4, 2010 4:14 am

I'm relieved to see someone bucking he trend regarding this year's Superman stories. I was excited by the boldness of the idea, but much of it has misfired. Nightwing and Flamebird are generic and Mon-El himself seems embarrassed about taking Superman's place half the time. World Without Superman hasn't really explored the ramifications of a world without Superman at all. New Krypton should have been a chance to really explore the heart of who Kal-El is but as you mention, Mike, the one thing he is not is surely head of the military. It's been an interesting experiment and I congratulate DC for trying it, but I can't help feeling that the essence of what makes Superman great has been lost somewhere along the way. Conversely, Secret Origin and to an extent Adventure are absolutely nailing that.

On the other hand DC have produced the two best books of the year in Detective and Batman and Robin... with stiff competition from Battlefields, Locke and Key, Ex Machina and The Boys.

November 13, 2009 7:07 am Well, he saves billions of people, so I think he feels he's solved a fair bit. I thought this was great storytelling and while I would have loved to see Millar stay on board a little longer, the ambition and scope displayed in this story has me excited about Hickman's run.
September 29, 2009 10:29 am

The return of Love Sausage! Greatest character in comics bar none...

August 22, 2009 9:10 am

I would have thought that the captions were an editorial innovation rather than a device of Mr Fraction's. For people like me - a Dark Avengers regular but not an X-reader - they're a welcome way of navigating a huge amount of characters. At least he tries to make them witty - the jetpack one made me laugh.

I thought it was quite a strong issue personally. Fraction does well with the large cast, his Osborne is note-perfect and there are some lovely moments - Beast moulting to death (!), Dark Beast spraying all over Norman when shouting at him, the deftly written Cyclops/Osborne summit.

It's a little unfair to take Matt Fraction to task over the 1984 quote because you suspect him of not having read the whole book - which you can't possibly know. I would think he chose that line because it's dramatic, chilling and iconic. Reason enough surely?   



July 30, 2009 4:57 am I loved that reprint - Red Skull fooling everyone while dressed as Cap by hiding his red chin behind his shield when speaking to them! Simpler times eh....