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Name: marcus wiggins



k5blazer's Recent Comments
March 4, 2013 6:51 pm I am so tired of Ji, Lee tagging along on the high profile writer or project. He brought nothing to Justice League and is only doing this book to ride on Snyder's coattails. Don't get me wrong, I am getting this book solely for Snyder's work and Ngyuen in the backup is a nice plus. If anything, having Lee on this book might put me off if it were another writer.
February 22, 2013 10:54 pm I meant pre-New 52, there was Batman 700-something, Detective 900 was coming up, but DC is marking that with something called "The 900" for that anniversary. Just it was coming across that too many people were beefing about a fear of jumping on due to those high numbers. But both Marvel and DC have used needless relaunches to death to appease that fear. To the detriment of telling good stories in a lot of cases...
February 22, 2013 2:04 pm It was about time this topic was discussed in such a manner. Recently it seems all we read about is how the numbers are too high and people claim to have a hard time just jumping in without doing so from Number One. Nonsense. That whining is probably part of the whole "New 52" launch and why it has fizzled like a wet firecracker. People know going in these are serialized stories, and with the availability of trades now it is easier than ever to read a characters back-story. The best time for reading a book a person is unfamiliar with is the second it catches your attention, read it, and go from there.
February 7, 2013 3:21 pm I am just sick of the word "meme".
February 1, 2013 5:03 am Its not a question of the numbers being a "barrier" its that any reader should be willing to learn about a book they like and not be intimidated by the number, be it 5 or 509. That to me just shows a lack of willingness to do what countless others before them did. This type of reader by not willing to put in the work and insist on being spoon-fed number 1's to suit them is a flawed premise. Do the companies just re-start every year? To the detriment of existing readers? Its a hard question to be sure but no numbering is NOT it. I enjoy Conor's articles but on this topic he is wrong. If no numbers is the answer, then why are the podcasts here still being numbered? Because it helps to keep track for reference, like they do for the books.
January 31, 2013 7:30 pm I'm with Fred on this. When I, and a number of people, got into this, it wasn't a number one issue. You find something you like and jump in and learn as you go or get back issues. This notion of "I can't read xxxx because it's at number 327 is bullshit. People are just lazy. The resources to learn about a given book or character now are so plentiful that there is no excuse NOT to utilize them. So that argument about "jumping in the middle" as a reason not to try a book holds no water.
January 31, 2013 12:06 am Its like Vodka, but for men. Classic.
January 30, 2013 3:49 pm They just don't work for me. but I didn't care for those X-Babies annuals back in the day either.
January 21, 2013 1:41 pm Sleeper, Daredevil and New Frontier were books I always rushed to the shop to pick up on Wednesdays. But the Austen run on Uncanny...along with the Scott Lobdell run...really put me off that title for quite a while.