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Name: marcus wiggins



k5blazer's Recent Comments
July 9, 2013 12:04 am I agree completely as well. I remember buying those off the rack in high school and the story was so densely packed and well wriiten that I am spoiled for that kind of storytelling now. Bendis non-Powers work, Hickman, etc. just draw things out needlessly and it becomes forgettable by the time the next issue comes out. When X-Men 141 came out, we were counting the days to #142 and re-rereading that #141 until the new one came out. This may not be the decision of the creators involved, it may be editorial, but the first comment was so spot-on, if this two-issue story was done now it would be 6 issues minimum, have several tie-ins, and lose whatever steam and impact it should have had.
July 8, 2013 12:32 am It was ok for a first episode, they are still making Iron Man too smart-assed for me, but so be it. The story was an updating of the Space Phantom story from Avengers (vol. 1) #2. I enjoyed it enough to give it a second shot next week.
July 2, 2013 5:10 pm Image Expo, last year's and today's, are what San Diego used to be and should be: a celebration for the love of this craft and hobby. The best things about Image Expo and other Comic events is the opportunity to meet and briefly interact with a person's favorite creator. In San Diego they bombard us with film and movie people, which is ok, but a lot of them attend just for the press opportunity and really could give a shit about the thousands of people who traveled to see them. Hugh Jackman was great, but he is an exception and not the rule. If a person in film or tv isn't willing to sign a few autographs or ham it up for a picture, then stay the fuck home. I got a chance to meet Robert Kirkman at a Wondercon years ago, long before Walking Dead blew up, and when I saw him at last years Image Expo, he was the same guy. Nicest guy you want to meet. Special guests should aspire to be like that and not be so distant from their audience. The whole red carpet camera line thing is some Hollywood bullshit, not needed at comic events. The way the comic people are treated at San Diego to accommodate the hollywood circle jerking is revolting. Soon there will be no place for comics there and that's ok, Image Expo, C2E2, Emerald City and others still showcase that love of the craft. And allow for people to interact, and that is both needed from a business standpoint as well as a human standpoint. It doesnt hurt to meet the people who think enough of your talents to support you with their hard-earned money.
June 24, 2013 6:12 pm Callin my shot now, Fury Max will be the Pick....:)
June 24, 2013 6:11 pm 23 titles this week...looking forward to All New X-Men, Powers, Daredevil, Hawkeye... BQ: BMW M6 convertible....I'm trying to get it by my next birthday.
June 19, 2013 3:41 pm Pass. It's too much like the Green Lantern visually and I don't care for the CGI style. Hope it does well but it isn't for me.
June 19, 2013 12:41 am I kind of liked it.
June 12, 2013 1:45 am Not thrilled by this. Just read it and to me it was yet another Jim Lee ego fest. He got on Justice League with Johns and the book didnt get good until he left. Now Snyder. It seems that he only deigns to work when he gets the top tier writers. But he isnt holding up his end for me. The poster gimmick was foul.
June 3, 2013 8:00 pm Liked the X-Men number 1 story ok, but just not liking the Skottie Young variants....
June 3, 2013 3:52 pm Let's see, I have heard the phrase "You don't sound black", after meeting people who I have talked on the phone with. Been told "You don't look like a lawyer" when people ask me what I do for a living. When I walk into new comic shops it feels that people there think I am there to beat them up. The simple fact is that I have read comics non-stop from 1972, through high school and college football, through undergrad and law school, and continue to do so to this day. I play softball and weight train and can still bench press 500 pounds, but every Wednesday anyone who knows me knows that I can be found at my LCS getting my week's worth of new material. I saw Hardwick first on Talking Dead and while I don't know the guy at all, he comes across to me at least as someone trying too hard to say "Hey, I'm like you! Buy my stuff!" I feel that he is pandering to a defined market share and I find it a bit off-putting. When the trend of "gee' this or "nerd" that runs its course, just like "metrosexual" or MC Hammer pants or Boy Bands and soft jazz did, I will still be at my LCS every Wednesday getting my books. The pimping of a perceived culture isn't new but eventually those who are in it for exploitative reasons will go away, they always do, and then they will find the next thing to attach themselves to.