‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ – S02E15 – “Ultimate Deadpool”


Here is how “Ultimate Deadpool” is described:

Spider-Man comes face to face with the Marvel Universe’s most unhinged hero — Deadpool! Spider-Man envies Deadpool’s free-spirited life, but that all may change after one day in Deadpool’s madcap world!!

I look forward to your thoughts, opinions, gripes, live-blogging, etc.


  1. I’m not sure if this show can handle Deadpool’s level of epic.

  2. Has anyone watched the new Avengers cartoon yet? Is it worth checking out?

    • I tried watching it, barely made it through a half hour. I thought Avengers EMH was much better. I thought the current one was boring, and trying too hard to be like the movie. I think alot of other users on the site felt a similar way. If you just love Avengers, or all of Disney’s previous Marvel adaptations you might like it. For my time, Disney hasn’t made any cartoons worth watching if you’re over 9 years old. DC (GL and Young Justice) and Nickolodean (Legend of Korra, TMNT) offer more.

    • Ahhh that’s what I figured. Oh well.
      As for Disney’s output as of late, it’s not comics related, but Gravity Falls is pretty good.

    • I’ve pretty much given up on Disney, and Marvel to an extent.

    • It was ok for a first episode, they are still making Iron Man too smart-assed for me, but so be it. The story was an updating of the Space Phantom story from Avengers (vol. 1) #2. I enjoyed it enough to give it a second shot next week.

  3. I’d actually like iFanboy to do a review of this episode. I’m curious about what they think.

    • At the risk of sounding cynical, I think it’d range from “What a wasted opportunity”, “well, my kid(s) liked it”, or “This isn’t for me”. Seems to be the most common thoughts I hear about this show. I know Joe Kelly is co-writing this episode but I still can’t bring myself to care. I tried this, thought it would get better, and IMO it didn’t.

    • I have to disagree. I loved the clash of morals and the ending really drove the point home that there’s more to Deadpool than meets the eye. I kind of hope they do another episode that dips deeper into his past with SHIELD.

    • Maybe its the fact that i saw this in Dan Way’s run on Deadpool and it was one of my least favorite arcs, that might be influencing my cynicism.

      Still, I don’t care for most of Spidey’s interaction with the other characters; main or guest star. They don’t seem to matter much.

      The only character i really like from the show is Iron Fist (Jeez, how has that not been done yet?).

    • Admittedly, it’s Deadpool that elevates this episode and just how far they pushed the rating. Spider-Man has to stop him from straight up murdering some goons.

    • “At the risk of sounding cynical, I think it’d range from “What a wasted opportunity”, “well, my kid(s) liked it”, or “This isn’t for me”. ”

      My review would not include any of those points.

    • Well thats good, but I imagine your reaction to the episode wouldn’t be too far off from most others. This show doesn’t seem to work. It may have moments sure, but not enough to jusitfy watching it for 22+ minutes.

    • @IthoSapien: No, I enjoy the show for the most part. The solo episodes are the best.

    • @Conor, alright fair enough. I’m enjoying “Teen Titans Go!” so I’m not one to talk. I just found that show funnier, although lately I’ve had some problems with it as well. Anyway, rock on.

  4. I don’t know why I still try with this show. I guess that the fact that Paul Dini gets creative credit makes me constantly hope that at least ONE good episode would spawn… But alas, life is full of disappointments… And the voice for Deadpool was cringe-worthy. I seriously bailed out on the last five minutes.

    • I liked it, and I thought the last five minutes were some of the most interesting from a character perspective. Laughed out loud several times.

  5. Since Joe Kelly is a writer on the show, I wonder if Marvel is thinking about a Deadpool cartoon? All the strange and annoying elements of Ultimate Spider-man suite Deadpool much better IMO.

  6. Did Nolan North voice Deadpool?

    Cause if it ain’t Nolan then this show can go to hell!*

    *not really

  7. Well I sat down and tried this episode. Deadpool was alittle too over the top in places IMO. Just a few. Other parts were really funny and classic Pool. But the last half the jokes fell flat and I was ready to shut this off. I usually like Will Friedle but his voice when it was high-pitched? Aggh, painful. It got better than worse. Not as bad as I thought at first but he needs some work on his Pool voice. If you’re gonna make this a comedy cartoon make it funny dammit! There’s too many parts that are just dumb/unfunny. I guess the first half is worth watching if you’re a DP fan but other than that I have no interest in picking this show up again.

    An aside; the references were pretty clever: Mcguffin, Wertham (first name Fredrich), others I’ve forgotten by now. Stuff you notice if you’re a comics fan.

  8. This episode reminded me why I loathe Deadpool 90% of the time.