
Name: mark arnold


drtiehead's Recent Comments
January 29, 2009 1:09 am

I picked this up based on Conor and Josh's reviews on the podcast of the last arc. Does anyone know when the first arc comes out in trade?  I couldn't agree more with this as POW.

 The first couple of pages are rough to read and grab you.  What is brilliant about the opening scene, some nasty, terrible stuff happens, but you don't see it, it is only talked about, which is far more effective.  It leaves you the reader to picture what happened  If they manage to build on this issue, I'm going to be a wreck by the end of this story.

Seek this out people.

January 29, 2009 12:03 am Epting has really grown on me, and with this issue he reallly brought it.
January 28, 2009 11:59 pm

I'm a DC guy... love the DCU.  Issue 1 confussed the hell out of me, but I stuck with it, hoping it would all come together, sadly it didn't.  AFter reading this, I can say, this kinda sucked, I think, maybe, I don't know. 

 At the end of the day it seemes to me that this is a self contained story, that does not have impact on any other regular books. (Except for Batman) Which after this confusing mess, may be a good thing.

December 27, 2008 11:44 pm


SO I started buying comics again after a l0ong break.  I consider myself well versed in Batman lore.  I started reading the issue right before RIP.  Even the most die hard Batman fans were confused as hell.  After issue 2 of RIP I was down right mad and I was convinced I had missed an issue.

 Grant, unlike Frank Miller, really loves this character.  I am still a little lost, but it is starting to make sense.  I think on New Years day I am going to re-read RIP and what is out of Final Crisis and I think it will make a lot more sense.


I thought this issue was great, but I have no idea why.  Batman is just that cool I guess. I think after Final Crisis and Last Rites wraps p it will all make prefect sense(which is what Grant fans said from the beginning)

 I am a DC zombie, so let me just say this, RIP, FC, and New Krypton are setting-up for a very interesting 2009 in the DC universe, much more then Secret Invasion.  Time will tell if it's any good.

December 17, 2008 8:36 pm @drakedangerz You are correct,  I have not read anything that he has written recently, one of the advantages of being a mostly DC guy. (The best is the much shorter stacks on Wednesday.)
December 17, 2008 2:19 pm

Maybe I haven't read enough Loeb to get all the Loeb bashing.  I loved Superman for All Seasons and Spider-Man Blue.  Superman for All Seasons is probably my favorite Superman story.  Again I haven't read everything he has ever done, Hush, Daredevil Yellow etc.

 This was my POW, I loved it, going back to Sunnydale High is always a good time.   George Jenty's art is great, all 4 or 5 pages of it, and the animation style Buffy is fantastic.

December 11, 2008 6:08 pm

I read this right after Nightwing, which I think makes this read a lot better.  The whole Batman RIP/Last Rites is starting to remind me of the Death of Superman storyline.  Right now we are dealing with the world without Batman, much like the World without Superman storyline(which was the best part of the so-so Death of Superman)

I am loving this so far, I think RIP is only going to get better with time.  Dick Grayson looks like he is going to become Batman, and I am excited for it and the new stories that will come from it.  I am also looking forward to the return of Bruce Wayne.

November 27, 2008 3:27 am

I have to re-read the whole arc because this just didn't do it for me.  I was a little bit upset at the delay and I had a tough time remembering what the heck was going on.  This is my favorite series right now, and let's hope we don't have any delays because this one hurt....

November 20, 2008 1:21 am

So I am guess that I am like 90% of the people here and Supergirl #35 was my first Supergirl I had ever picked up.  Hats off the creative teams at DC for continuing the New Krypton story and at the same time cleaning up Kara's past and laying out the ground work for her characters arc.  I'm sold...

November 13, 2008 2:32 am Wow, never thought in a million years I would see this.  What's next, Josh picking Buffy next week?