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Name: Christopher Hubble

Bio: Pull List: All New All Different Avengers, Black Science, Descender, East of West, Robin Son of Batman, Dr. Strange, the new Spidey book with Miles Morales (whenever it comes out). Also slowly reading back issues or collected editions of Jack Kirby's "Fourth World" saga and Kamandi.



Damian’s confrontation with Talia was a little meh, but I like where this is going.

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Wow … I don’t usually get weepy at the end of a comic book … but DAMN!

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cahubble09's Recent Comments
July 21, 2011 1:17 pm If this doesn't win an Eisner next year (or several), I'll be shocked.
July 21, 2011 1:17 pm If this doesn't win an Eisner next year (or several), I'll be shocked.
July 21, 2011 1:13 pm A good way to think about gaining closure of a comic book about a second American Civil War would be to ask if we even have closure from our "first" slash "real" civil war? In many ways we do, but in many ways we don't. The best Wood could be expected to do is wrap up the main narratives. There's too much hanging to tie it all off with a neat bow.
July 16, 2011 1:20 am I'm really going to miss this book ...
July 16, 2011 1:20 am I'm really going to miss this book ...
July 15, 2011 6:39 pm I haven't read the other two so can't say if this is the best of the bunch, but I can say that I'm really enjoying it.
July 15, 2011 6:39 pm I haven't read the other two so can't say if this is the best of the bunch, but I can say that I'm really enjoying it.
July 14, 2011 12:11 pm Garbage Man and Robot Man, but no Red Robin? Please! This is, pardon the pun, utter garbage.
July 11, 2011 6:43 pm Haven't read Flashpoint, so I really don't have a clue. Finally read Blackest Night two years after the fact and couldn't help wondering what the hullabaloo was all about. Aside from the artwork in that book, it was a serious yawner. I enjoyed Civil War ... and Secret Invasion ... and Siege ... hmm ...

Fear Itself is interesting to me for its meta-complexity. The idea that there is this alternate Serpent All Father who Odin is deathly afraid of to such an extent that he's willing to sacrifice the earth to defend his own domain ... Maybe that is the real problem that has some folks saying Fear Itself is "garbage" ... I would think it would be difficult to blend that cerebral complexity with the more concrete stuff of heroes getting their arms ripped off ... which, frankly, wasn't really all that impressive ... kind of hackneyed and cliche. While I can't say I don't enjoy Fear Itself, i can say that I've enjoyed some of the tie-ins better. Some of the stories in Home Front have been cool and Journey into Mystery has been making my comic-book-reading-summer oh so worth it this year. THAT has been the story to read this year. To know that Loki has the key information regarding Odin's mystery, that he may or may not be on a mission to make things right ... within the subtext of wondering whether he is or is not the God of Mischief (or whether we are witnessing the birth of a new god of Mischief perhaps?). If anything, folks should be upset at Marvel for trumpeting the wrong book, because if you aren't reading Journey Into Mystery, then you really don't know what you're missing.
July 8, 2011 1:29 am POTW -- 5/5