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Name: Christopher Hubble

Bio: Pull List: All New All Different Avengers, Black Science, Descender, East of West, Robin Son of Batman, Dr. Strange, the new Spidey book with Miles Morales (whenever it comes out). Also slowly reading back issues or collected editions of Jack Kirby's "Fourth World" saga and Kamandi.



Damian’s confrontation with Talia was a little meh, but I like where this is going.

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Wow … I don’t usually get weepy at the end of a comic book … but DAMN!

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cahubble09's Recent Comments
September 26, 2011 12:02 am DMZ has been one of the better books on the shelves in recent years, driven by an interesting, compelling story carried by captivating, enthralling, haunting artwork. The only problem is it ends at #72. I suggest the trades. You won't be disappointed.
September 25, 2011 11:58 pm Surprised not to see Batman Year One on this list. It seems to me it was a quintessential and inspiring expression of the character. Selena Kyle really was the sheroine of that mini.
September 25, 2011 5:02 am The Speedball stuff is the only part that is any good ... that is why it has a low rating ... IMO
September 18, 2011 2:26 pm Isn't it ironic that THE book of the reboot has been the one whose first couple story arcs were probably finished months ago?
September 18, 2011 12:14 pm At least one of the local shops in the Denver area has been perpetually sold out of the DC 52 because another recently announced it is closing. The shop closing apparently hasn't been ordering for obvious reasons so its customers are flooding the other shop. The only thing a comic store owner loathes more than too many books left on the shelf is NO books left on the shelf at 11 am. Fortunately, I had set up a pull list with them. I've bought a few of the new 52, but can't say any of them are memorable. Batman and Robin was only mildly interesting. Action Comic and Detective Comics were complete yawners. Batwoman I've been looking forward to for what feels like a couple years now--and it didn't disappoint.
September 16, 2011 2:19 am I can't stand the fact that it is priced at $4, but they hooked me at the charter school lottery scene. I'm in for the first arc at least. This may turn out to be worth $4 an issue.
September 16, 2011 1:11 am Um ... Batman and Robin (2009) #13? Or was it #14? Damian is a sweet character when he is written well. As someone on this website once said, when he's written like a former member of the League of Assassins, the character works; when he's written like a petulant 10-year-old, not so much. This issue was iffy for me, although it was good enough to keep me around for the first arc at least.
September 12, 2011 4:45 pm hehe ... what's Deadpool gonna feed Fantomex this time?
September 12, 2011 4:44 pm I'm not sure we can necessarily consider this a "break", given Loki's machinations and subtle manipulation of both Mephisto and Hela ... who knows what shall be revealed in the next couple issues.
September 12, 2011 4:43 pm p.s. That JIM isn't a complaint on my part. The kid Loki origin story has been the sleeper of the summer for me and I think a great many Marvel fans will find themselves disappointed to have missed it. That said, the Journey Into Mystery Fear Itself Loki arc will be a perfect hardcover volume.