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Name: Brian Mordeca



brian's Recent Comments
April 3, 2010 8:29 pm It really is sad to hear Rucka leaving DC, I've LOVED his Detective run. On the bright side, I am eagerly awaiting more Queen and Country. Damn that is a good book be it in comics form or novel form.
April 3, 2010 8:24 pm I really dig the True Blood TV show...don't know if I really need to read a True Blood comic book though...I'll wait until more is revealed on the book.
April 3, 2010 8:21 pm I can't wait. I wasn't crazy about the first half of All-Star, but damn it I'll buy almost any book for Lee's art!
March 29, 2010 12:27 pm I'm certainly excited to hear more info about this book. Definitely intrigued.
March 25, 2010 4:07 pm That looks amazing. Beyond excited for this!
March 17, 2010 11:03 pm

Also really looking forward to this. Loved the cartoon. I personally think Beechen will be a great voice for this character. His run on Robin was great, and I liked some of his Teen Titans stuff quite a bit too. 

March 12, 2010 4:24 pm As long as I can get my books on the iPad with no problems in Canada, and they don't decide to get too greedy with the pricing this is a must have for me, I am beyond excited!
March 11, 2010 4:06 pm

I ordered a bunch of books, although like most I was doubtful I'd actually see any of them. On the other hand, Amazon does have great deals a lot of the time...perhaps there was more to this, I thought.

Shortly after placing my order, I got the depressing e-mail notifying my of the cancellation. Now, I at first wasn't surprised or too upset over this, BUT, then I got to thinking how I've worked in retail on and off since high school and whenever we made a pricing error, no matter how great the error (I've been in stores that have lost hundreds of dollars per customer because the employee pricing the display of BBQs left out a digit by error). I get that this would suck for Amazon, but it's not the customer's fault they made a pricing error. We as customers are entitled to the merchandise at that price....then of course my email came in with my $25 gift card and I soon forgot about the books I wasn't going to get and was just happy to get something out of the deal.

I have yet to use my $25 promo but I probably will soon, and I can guarantee I'll be putting down a lot more than $25 in the order, so in the end on this one, Amazon still wins big when it comes to my order. That being said, I think the company handled this mistake well and were able to quickly quell the masses and avoid what could have been a very nasty PR nightmare had all the orders simply got cancelled with the follow up "piss off, you should've known it was a mistake" email. Well played, Amazon.

March 8, 2010 12:22 pm

This has me worried, as my past JMS experiences have been...painful at times. I'll definitely give his Superman a try for an arc or so, but I don't know about Wonder Woman.

 Also, I may be in the minority, but I wasn't big on JMS' Thor, so I have little faith that his Superman will do anything for me, but I hope I am proven wrong.