Jeff Lemire’s Future Project: Minnow

Some nights it's worth keeping an eye on Twitter.  Tonight, Jeff Lemire (Sweet Tooth, Essex County Trilogy) passed on a little information via his twitter account.

"I've never shown anyone this except @chrisstaros, but this is a graphic novel project I've been working on for about two years. Not sure when it will be done, but definitely not in 2009!  I know she looks like an outtake from Sweet Tooth, but she' s not!"

So, we're looking at a fish girl, and she's got some very conservative clothing on, and is ostensibly named Minnow.  It's not a lot to go on, but it's certainly not related to hockey. Yet.  It's always exciting to see new stuff from my favorite creators, and it's pretty ballsy of guys like Lemire to put their unfinished work out there.  Sometimes, I think it's a way to spur themselves on, by having the public be there to keep them working.  Or maybe he's just so excited about the project that the can't keep it inside any longer.  Either way… fish girl.


  1. I’m in. Can Jeff do a Marina mini now?

  2. that guy is beautiful sentative genius!!

  3. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Is this the same as the underwater welder project or is this something else entirely? 

  4. Dear Josh

    Hockey is played on frozen water.  So, there’s still a very good chance for hockey player / fishgirl interaction.   

  5. I never thought Lemire could do Aquaman but now….

    Seriously, this image makes it intriguing. Can’t wait to see if this comes out. Is it the same as the previous image for his Top Shelf Project? 

  6. Jeff Lemire is certainly one one the most talented cartoonist working on a regular basis now.  Anything by him is worth a look.

  7. If it’s by Jeff Lemire then i’m looking forward to it.

  8. I wish this would still be colored by Dave Stewart.

  9. Interesting…

  10. Looks good.

  11. i would love jeff lemire to do some pencils on a mainstream superhero book, done correctly and it could be amazing

  12. I’m certainly excited to hear more info about this book. Definitely intrigued.

  13. I dream of a Batman: Black & White vol.4 with Lemire leading the charge. Give it to us!

  14. @horrorofsorts he is. He has something for both Marvel and DC coming up some time

  15. Looks like it could be his take on the "Little Mermaid" archetype of story. Which fits Lemire’s wheel-house. Speculation of course.

  16. I wonder if he’s doing this just for the halibut.

  17. Looks like it is character art from "The Underwater Welder", due out in 2012: