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Name: brad converse

Bio: I'm made of butter and filled with the happiness with which that comes.


This is just a disappointing end to a book that fizzled shortly after it started. While the framing sequences may…

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While this issue did get a bit convoluted in its attempt to reconcile the different versions of Firestorm and bring…

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austinite74's Recent Comments
February 10, 2010 2:01 pm And since I didn't bother with the first one before: given the full-on terrible quality of the silhouette, I'm going out on a limb and saying it's Shape from the Squadron Supreme. I'm pretty sure that's not true, but it would be amazing.
February 10, 2010 1:57 pm

As for the new one, I hope it's the Scarlet Witch. Would make sense given the phrase on the teaser.

February 10, 2010 1:56 pm

I was originally thinking Moon Knight, but I'm hoping it's the Shroud.

 Given the redemption theme though, I'm going to go with the Hood or Sentry

February 8, 2010 3:59 pm @SPEEDBALL: Totally on board with the Impact version of The Fly. Had almost forgotten about that series, but it was pretty great.
February 8, 2010 1:38 pm I would almost rather see an Invaders film instead of an Avengers film, so this is sort of the best of both worlds.
February 8, 2010 1:36 pm I've got a soft spot for Atom Smasher/Nuklon. Actually, I kind of try to keep up with all of the (surviving) Infinity Inc. members.
July 14, 2009 12:45 pm Well, if you end up with too many artists, feel free to pass some my way. I've had some luck, but overall, finding an artist is actually the hardest part of the whole process (at least thus far).
May 12, 2009 2:45 pm Was out of town and just got the last few weeks of books yesterday. And wow. This was one of the best books I've read in a long time. And I will say that it's a damn good thing it was this good considering the lag time between issues. In this case, it was totally worth the wait. Between all the surprises Johns threw in and the fact that it's got both of the Legions I actually care about in it (the original version and the 90s version...I never got into the new one), I'm pretty thrilled
March 18, 2009 12:03 pm

I definitely agree on Wally. How they managed to take a well-defined, interesting character and ground him down to nothing in the space of a few years is both amazing and horrifying.

I think the Rocket Red love may have been more due to his interactions in JLI and JLE (actually, particularly in JLE, which I still think was often the superior of the two titles). He was definitely one of my favorite parts of that era, but I don't know where he'd fit in now unfortunately. I mean, the JLA has sunk so low that I'm not even sure they'd know what to do if a member of their team had a personality at this point.

As much as I love Phantom Stranger, I have seen him around lately. Aqualad and Gordon...eh...

Personally (and I wish I had my Who's Who binders with me right now), I'd probably go with Northwind (and not the completely birded out one they've got flying around now. I kind of like the one who could speak.), Bette Kane (Flamebird. Mostly because every time I see her, I get a nice flash back to when I was a kid fascinated with finding old and cheap 50s/60s back issues of Batman/Detective), Black Orchid, and...damn, I wish I had my Who's Who with me! Well, we'll just leave it at that for now.

March 17, 2009 1:54 pm

I've got to admit that I'm not as much of a trade guy as I am a month-by-month reader. I think the most interesting thing you bring up, Jim, is the idea of why you choose what you choose. Honestly, there are a number of titles I read every month that I buy mostly out of the hope that they're somehow going to ressurect into the title that I remembered liking when I first started in on the book.

As that so rarely happens, I think I'm going to try a new approach. On the books that I used to enjoy and just seem to be picking up for the nostalgia of it now (I'm looking at you JLA and X-Men), maybe it's time to wait for those to come out in trade and read some reviews before I jump in. I mean, if I liked the first novel from someone and was bored by the second, I would probably check out some reviews before buying the third, so why does my fondness for characters keep me purchasing things I already know probably aren't going to match up to my expectations.

On the other hand, the books that I love reading, would stay on my monthly reading calendar (I'm hugging you, Fables, Green Lantern, Secret Six, and Guardians of the Galaxy). I mean, why am I cluttering my home with stuff that I'm not sure I would like? Why not just wait for the trade and then decide if it's a storyline that really sounds worth my time?

So, anyway, there's my personal new philosophy for approaching the trade vs. single issue debate. Now let's just see if I can stick to it.