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Name: Skott Jimenez

Bio: I've been collecting comics since 1990, Ghost Rider Volume 2, Number 1 is the comic that began my collection.Currently I have over 5,0200 comics and my top book is Fables.http://fanboyunlimited.blogspot.com/


Zarathos81's Recent Comments
May 22, 2011 2:05 am Still looks stupid. The more they show the worse it looks. "We are the corps"? Really?

May 19, 2011 1:55 am I've never had an issue come with pages being repeated...

Loved this issue, as always, and can't WAIT for North Wind Vs. Mister Dark: Round Two!
May 18, 2011 3:22 am @robbydzwonar  Don't worry, next week DC shows how dumb it can be by apparently releasing ALL THREE Green Lantern titles. It's be nice to space them out. I mean we've already had one issue of Green Lantern ruined because that same week's Green Lantern Corps cover gave away the ending.

It's a great story though!
May 16, 2011 4:11 pm Always sad to see a series end but it's not as bad when it ends on it's own terms.
May 14, 2011 5:36 pm That would make a great episode of Super Hero Squad! Doom talking about beating the Squadies!
May 13, 2011 1:50 am I am loving this series! After forcing my way through Fractions run it's nice to have a Thor book worth reading! It's just to bad it's part of the lackluster Fear Itself "event"
But I'm loving this and I'm loving this version of Loki!
May 12, 2011 2:22 pm Yeah, I'm just going to walk away from this one...
May 12, 2011 12:47 pm Seems like ever since Hammer Lame the Rider's mythos was screwed up. Then that horrible movie came out and suddenly his look and villians were all mixed up, the Blaze and Ketch villians were mixed up for no reason.
While I was excited to see that we might be able to get away from all the garbage Way and Aaron forced on to Ghost Rider these last many years the one thing they apparenly haven't fixed is the look.
The Blaze Rider had it's own distince look as did the Ketch Rider (the ONLY two Riders, all those other ones are stupid and don't count) but it seems that now, especially in the wake of that lame movie, all Rider's have to look like Ketch. Very stupid.
It used to be each of the two different Rider's had their own mythos and set of characters. Now it's all a jumbled mess and makes no sense.

I want to read a Ghost Rider comic again and love it. I've recently finished the Blaze series (for the 4th time) and now I'm working my way through the Ketch series again because I want to read good Ghost Rider stories. I will give this a chance but my excitement has weakened some after seeing this (although it was nice to see Blaze in HIS costume for a change)
May 11, 2011 7:28 pm The only DC related titles I read are the Fables books. But with this lower price I have been more willing to check out some of their other titles.
Releasing them digitally doesn't mean a thing to me, personally, I would rather actually own a comic if I'm going to pay for it.
May 9, 2011 1:57 pm I don't get paying anyone that much money just to talk.