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Name: Andrew Power


Toug's Recent Comments
August 4, 2011 1:36 am I'm just happy they seem to be putting actual thought into the supporting cast. Does anyone remember ANYthing that Perry or Jimmy did in the last movie? It'd be great if they were actually fleshed out and memorable beyond dropping a catch phrase.
July 18, 2011 6:40 pm @ron A nation thanks you good sir.

But back to the point, laying out the law on that e-mail was fantastic. I'll never understand the logic of people that read reviews just to validate their own opinions. It's such a waste of energy.

As a comic reader and creator, it's kind of infuriating when people insist that quality in this sort of artistic field is somehow objective.

Weirdly, I think Moon Knight #3 was the first time in a while I've actually agreed with the POTW.
July 18, 2011 11:34 am Ron - Judges in Canada do not wear poofy wigs. That's England. There's a judge IN the Alpha Flight issue who is clearly not wearing one.

What I'm saying is, until a retraction is printed, all of Canada will be considering your sideburns as fair game for ridicule. It's only fair.

(I wanted to commend you for that epic e-mail rebuttal, but national pride takes priority.)
May 14, 2011 10:03 pm Does anyone else find it really weird that in a story about Barry waking up in an alternate/messed-up/whatever timeline, and not knowing how or why, we cut away from him for more than HALF the issue? I found that jarring.

I'm not saying every story should be told the same way, but most times I've seen this type of tale, you stick with that reader POV character for a reason. It's through their confusion that we get what eactly is messed up, and why that's bad.

Sure, as a reader, I know that this Batman and this Shazam etc are strange and askew, but without that character there to voice that, that's not how it reads. All these characters talking know each other and act perfectly normal, so even if I know something's wrong, I don't feel it. /mini review slash rant
March 16, 2011 10:53 am If your looking for Zelda comics, Viz has released 10 or so volumes of the excellent manga adaptations. which adapt most of the games produced in the last 15 years or so.

December 10, 2010 1:24 am In case you wanted to know more about US-1/US Ace: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/linkara/at4w/2858-us-1-1