Video Game Comic Books We’d Like to See

Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Comic Books and Video Games.

Both video games and comic books travel on similiar roads in terms of story, genre and special effects. They both excel at doing science-fiction and fantasy-type storylines, whether it be outer space or superheroes, and both push the boundaries in terms of range, depth and — well, let's face it — explosions. We've seen many comic books make their way to video games (albiet via movies or television usually), and we've seen many video games licensed as comics. Hell, numerous comic creators work on video games — from Brian Wood doing Grand Theft Auto to Brian Bendis' mention this week that he was working on some games.

Last month we discussed some comic books that'd make great video games, and now we turn the tables and look at some games that deserve their day in comics. Some like Bionic Commando and Assassin's Creed have already produced some great comics, but here's some new ones that deserve the sequential treatment.

Red Dead Redemption: The story of an outlaw pulled in both directions — hunting down his former colleagues and working for a corrupt government in exchange for the life of his family. There's loads of story in 2010 release, and a comic series could take the story threads and expand them for the comic page. Hell, I've always wanted to see Tony Moore draw a western.

Metal Gear: I know, I know… IDW did some several years back, but it didn't get close to the impact that a Metal Gear series could. A game of subterfuge and espionage, told over the course of centuries featuring clones, technology and even some ecological and pacifist themes? I'd buy that. Scott Snyder writing, Sean Murphy drawing.

L.A. Noire: As one of this summer's big releases, L.A. Noire has alot going for it… and comic could help it in spades. Set in real streets of 1940s Los Angeles, this Rockstar Games' production is set-up as both action and mystery, with an extra helping of style. It might be too much to ask that comics' resident crime duo of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips take up the story, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Grand Theft Auto: Although this franchise is down from its illustrious heights of a few years ago, it remains as a significant brand and world that's ripe for visual storytelling in the way only comics can. Whether it be stories set in Vice City, San Andreas or some new world, there's great comics to be made with the right publisher and creative team.

The Legend of Zelda: Do you remember the Zelda comics that ran in Nintendo Power? I do. And I think more could be done with this — much more. Either going for a more adult style akin to the previous comics or in a super-deformed style akin to Bryan O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim set in Hyrule, there's a triforce of gold in them there hills.

BulletStorm: The most recent of our list, the PS3/Xbox360/PC game BulletStorm pits a space pirate and a cyborg on the run from the law in the 26th century after being tricked into killing innocent civilians. This game was written by iFanboy favorite Rick Remender, so there's no doubt a BulletStorm comic never crossed his mind. So make it official — back up the Brinks truck to Remender's home and let him get his pick of artists to make it real.


  1. I’m gonna go old school and say I’d love to see someone take up Wing Commander for some Dan Dare-style space opera.

  2. Altered Beast.

    Fred Van Lente and Gabe Hardman.

    Listen up Marvel. I’m givin ya pearls here. 

  3. Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. Who knows what sort of wacky stuff will happen when Soda Popinski drinks too much soda pop? Hilarity ensues.

  4. If your looking for Zelda comics, Viz has released 10 or so volumes of the excellent manga adaptations. which adapt most of the games produced in the last 15 years or so.

  5. Mass Effect. I just had the chance to play it on the Playstation and it is great. A complex and mature science fiction galaxy full of alien races, ancient technology, and political/racial tension. It is rich ground for a series and Dark Horse already did an interactive comic that covers the events of the first game backstory.

  6. i love me some good video games, but i don’t think i’d ever pick up a comic based on a game. Just not a licensed property comic reader kinda guy.

    Killzone and God of War might make for some interesting visuals.

  7. I’d clamor for a Deus Ex comic book, but the upcoming sequel actually IS getting a comic book prequel.

  8. Bioshock comics could be pretty awesome. Great setting and visual aesthetic.

  9. i would love some metroid comics. i know theres a manga series out there but i would love,love,love a new comic. i magine metroid drawn by j.h. williams III and written by robert kirkman. damn that would rule.

  10. @debaser17 Punch Out is an amazing idea!

    @RobotZombie – I’m pretty sure there are Mass Effect comics put out by DC or Wildstorm.

  11. Toug: thanks for the links on the Zelda comics. Ordered!

    Robot Zombie: Dark Horse has done several MASS EFFECT Comics; in fact, they announced a new one just a few months back.

    WallyTheGreenMonster: DC did a GOD OF WAR series last year, and Dreamwave announced a KILLZONE comic years ago. When they went under, the series was never published. You can see more here:

    KingdomofEvan: Yes. BioShock would be great.

  12. I’m already reading Hex, but if there was a Red Dead comic I’d be the first kid on my block with a copy.

  13. The Mass Effect comics (Dark Horse) are actually written by the creator of the game series (or writer for the games).  Which is a plus if you are on the gamer side, the characters all act how you would expect them too.

  14. @ChrisArrant  —ahh yeah its the one sub genre of comics i totally glance over in the store. 

  15. Thanks for the heads up. Looks like I have to do a little comic hunting…

  16. Lol mass effect, I never thought I’d see a comic that I would outright dislike from the cover, but then lo’ and behold it was there.

    Anyways I’m thinkin: Legend of Dragoon, Ratchet and Clank, Shinobi, PuLiRuLa, and Parasyte Eve. Yeah those immediately come to mind.

  17. Nintendo Power Zelda Comics=Awesome

  18. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips on a LA Noire Comic would be a match made in heaven .   I think Scott Snyder would be better on Red Dead Redemption comic.   I want to see a comic on Beyond Good and Evil.

  19. marvel ultimate alliance 2 would make a great comic…oh…wait

  20. Elder Scrolls would make a great comic book series. Such a vast, rich world to explore.Same thing with the old Ultima games. I also second the suggestion for Wing Commander. 

  21. So many choices.
    Id love to see Samus get her own book.
    Would also love to see an Avalanch of FF7.

  22. Amazing!

  23. Need to find those mass effect comics also think there should be a Fallout ongoing series that would be awesome. possible written by palmiotti and grey not sure on art

  24. Clash at Demonhead. I would read that comic.