Ron's Recent Comments
August 13, 2013 2:07 am Goddamn I loved this book....
July 2, 2013 5:05 pm Pretty Deadly also will be out in October - confirmed
July 2, 2013 5:04 pm Three is coming out in October - it will be in the October solicits coming out in a couple of weeks
April 11, 2013 2:14 pm And my appreciation for Rick Remender's work increases.
March 28, 2013 2:37 pm Hey Will - figure this is a good opportunity for me, as an official Image Comics representative, to provide some clarifications to some of your comments regarding re-printings. Your description of "threatening" retailers is a bit off base as is your summary of what our policy is. That communication to retailers was explaining that on proven sellers like The Walking Dead and Saga, we would not be re-printing issues indefinitely. But books that are starting out, like Nowhere Men, Five Ghosts, and Peter Panzerfaust, that benefit from reprints, we absolutely will reprint to meet demand. We have never said that Image Comics would stop reprinting things. We continue to do reprints where there is demand. To see Nowhere Men reach a 5th printing is amazing and a testament to how the book is finding it's audience and we're doing our best to help that happen. Hope that helped to clarify things and satisfy your curiosity.
January 29, 2013 12:08 am yes, and I complained about that too on the Marvel side numerous times :)
January 24, 2013 9:02 pm We're turning comments off as the Chatroom is now live at the top of the page.
January 20, 2013 10:34 pm I suppose that makes Josh Venkman, and Conor Egon? and Paul's Winston?
January 20, 2013 10:33 pm For what it's worth, I've been laughing at the caption to photo of Paul for nearly a week now.
January 19, 2013 6:14 pm Wow - Its a little more than 24 hours and I'm still totally overwhelmed by the response here and on the various social networks. It's amazing to see how kind and congratulatory everyone is. For years I've always said iFanboy was nothing without our audience and it's true. You guys are what keeps iFanboy going and you will continue to long after I'm gone. I did my best to respond to everyone with specific questions - I don't want to spam the comments with "Thank you!" to everyone here so I hope a blanket THANK YOU for all the well wish will suffice. Every one of you has had a direct and profound impact on my life and I have to thank you for that. While I may not be here day in and day out, I will always be an iFanboy. iFanboy will always be in my heart and hopefully I won't be too far and welcome back when I do come visit. As for the question about music. I trust Josh and Conor's taste in music IMPLICITLY and as for Paul...well, he's still on probation when it comes to this. I'll be watching closely, Paul. VERY CLOSELY. Thanks again everyone - I have a perma-smile on my face and it's because of all of you.