Ron's Recent Comments
March 30, 2016 11:16 am thanks for the comments and the concern - i'm doing swell! Wonton Soup Forever!
December 20, 2015 10:36 pm JESSICA
November 1, 2015 4:26 pm Fixed. Sorry about that.
August 9, 2015 10:14 pm That's a very good point - last special edition about a superhero movie. We'll definitely do an Episode VII podcast. Absolutely. If anything to capture either our glee or our heads exploding
June 30, 2015 12:42 pm Thanks everyone for the kind words!
June 30, 2015 12:40 pm Especially when said ship involves hanging out with your 2 best friends...
November 6, 2014 1:32 pm A co-worker and I were discussing the movie and he brought up an interesting theory that I think could address your issues with understanding it. Before I go into the theory, I think a big part of what makes this movie so great is simply not knowing things like this. Leaving it to interpretation and wondering is a part of what makes it so fantastic. That's a bit of a disclaimer before I try and "explain" it (albeit via one persons interpretation) The theory goes like this: - When he shot himself on stage, he did what he set out to - he killed himself. - The entire scene in the hospital is a vision inside his head, before he ultimately dies, where he gets everything he wanted: - His ex-wife is there, concerned about him and caring again - His producer comes in raving about how great the show did and how successful he is now - The awful critic gave him a glowing review - His daughter is telling him how he's huge on social media now and how proud of him she is - Birdman no longer is taunting him, rather just sitting there, accepting him as he is - Then he jumps out the window and flies and when his daughter goes to window, she looks up and sees him and is beaming with pride. I think this theory could work, as personally, I don't think he has any powers in reality - that was all in his head. So this could be an extension of that.