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Name: Mark Petz


QuayLewd's Recent Comments
July 23, 2010 11:28 pm When I get to heaven I hope this is the first thing I see.
May 25, 2010 12:34 pm I fell behind on reading this, but am looking forward to reading the whole, dreary, wintery arc in one lump. It will be a strange contrast to the beautiful summer weather we're having!  Should probably switch to trades, but as others have mentioned it reads well as singles.
February 23, 2010 1:03 pm I was a Doc Savage nut when I was younger and have many of the books. They are a little tough to read as a mature, sophisticated adult (ha!). Short, choppy, pulpy style peppered with Lester Dent's (a.k.a. Kenneth Robeson) usage ticks. Doc is an important foundational character in the superhero genre and its fun to see him pop up from time to time, including Planetary and now DC's First Wave. I'm still hoping for a movie, maybe in the visual style of Sky Captain and World of Tomorrow. Kudos for including Doc in your self-education.
February 23, 2010 12:41 pm It's the beginning of a great adventure. Best of health and happiness to your growing household!
October 15, 2009 9:01 am Looking forward to getting this from dcbservice.com in a few weeks. However, WALKING DEAD #66 was the first book I read and I knew immediately that it was my pick. An absolutely gut-wrenching, pivotal issue that injected new energy into a series that has been coasting on excellence for some time. Yesterday, I teared up while reading a zombie comic.
July 7, 2009 12:53 pm I am sooooooo glad this is back in print and I didn't pay $150+ on eBay for it! I can wait a few more weeks for the actual release date.
May 7, 2009 7:46 am Next event for Marvel (or the event after the next) will likely involve Namor. Remember the Atlantean diaspora? They are all in hiding among the surface-dwellers. "Atlantis Rising" or "Yes, We Have No Atlantis"
January 22, 2009 11:10 am Another strong start for Bendis. Will he sustain focus and deliver on the promise of this premise, or will his gnat-like attention span leave the story undeveloped (e.g. Mighty Avengers and SI)? I'll hope for the former and stick around, cuz he throws in enough fun-nuggets to keep me buying his books!
April 23, 2008 10:06 am

Gotta admit I was a little "meh" about this series for the first few issues.  Jim's art was touch and go and his attempts to write snappy banter in the midst of the old school cosmic dialogue came up short. 

But staying with it has paid off as Starlin's work got better and better!  I'm betting this finale has the same mind-blowing art that we saw in issue 7.

March 25, 2008 5:36 pm

As a Jim Starlin (and Kirby and Fourth World) fan from waaaaay back, I was pretty disappointed with the first several issues.  Jim's writing and art were feeling a little anachronistic (not to mention some annoying inconsistencies in his figures, esp. Orion), but I stubbonly stuck with the series mostly because of my curiosity about its final destination.  I also wanted to see if it ended up a trainwreck.

But this issue was a HUGE improvement on both fronts.  The colors by Jeremy Cox are ... cosmic!  The story and characterization are more nuanced and it no longer feels like Starlin is just bludgeoning the franchise into permanent oblivion.  I'm happy that one of my favorite creators still has his chops when it counts.