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Name: Erin Abdelrazaq

Bio: http://ehodgepodge.blogspot.com/


Legend's Recent Comments
November 6, 2009 10:59 pm

Thanks for answering my question Ron!  I actually finished the first volume of Akira today, and I understand avoiding the novel if you've seen the movie.  This first volume didn't speak out to me as much as I thought, maybe because I had such high expectations from what I've heard.  In my opinion, it's definitely worth looking at to see how detailed some of the environments are drawn.

@josh: As I said, I just finished the first volume and I can relate to your experience.  Overall, while I'm interested to see how the story unfolds, some of the writing styles didn't appeal to me.  Personally, I found it odd that the characters always had to speak out loud when they were alone.  It's like what Mike said in a recent article: a lot of text, at least in this first volume, could have just been expressed through the art, specifically facial expressions or body language.

October 31, 2009 11:09 pm This series is phenomenal.  Although some of these deaths may not be permanent, I'm definitely interested to read further.  That's what this series has been about anyway.  An unlikely team trying to protect the universe, deal with loss, right the wrongs, all the while dealing with their number one enemy: the balance of the universe/life - the fact that there is always a price to pay.  This is probably the biggest consequence yet, and of course, it's for the team's biggest/most important mission yet.  It should be interesting to see how the remaining team grows from this.
October 29, 2009 11:38 pm Everyone seems to be loving this.  Is there anyone who is not as familiar with Superman lore that is enjoying this origin?  I haven't read Superman in years and I'm wondering if this is the best origin story/general story to pick up.  I'm not really familiar with the Legion either, but I'm guessing that's okay for this series.
October 29, 2009 11:12 pm

I've yet to experience this with a series, but I'm sure the time will come.  Your situation is completely understandable though.

I'm an Ellis "virgin" if you will, but I'm definitely trying/wanting to read some of his work.  I know his big main series are Transmetropolitan and this, Planetary.  I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for which I should experience first, or if there are other books of his that are better to start with.

October 29, 2009 10:15 pm You should do these more often.  I am enjoying them quite a bit.
October 29, 2009 10:12 pm This made me laugh too, as any good limerick should.  I really hope this is featured on the podcast or elsewhere.
September 21, 2009 9:03 pm I can't wait to hear opinions about this.  I read the series through my library, but I kinda want to own it because I enjoyed it so much.  If this isn't too unwieldy, I'll probably get it instead of the two-volume hardcover edition/paperbacks.
September 12, 2009 6:53 pm @WadeWilson - where was the Karate Kid reference?  I read this at the store and missed that.
August 16, 2009 10:56 pm

Now when Josh was talking about how Blackest Night has so far been a DCU book instead of a Green Lantern/Hal Jordan, I have to say that for me, that's a complaint.  I wasn't really expecting Blackest Night to be this much about the DCU and its various characters.  Is anyone else feeling like this?  I jumped onto the Green Lantern bandwagon kind of late, and I kept hearing about how Blackest Night would be the final part in the Green Lantern trilogy, but I haven't seen that so far.

I guess it's still pretty early, but for now I am not as satisfied as the majority.

August 14, 2009 4:26 pm

Thanks for answering my questions.  I hadn't even thought of the "average rating" aspect when I was writing, but you guys are right about its importance.  I look at those average ratings a lot, whether it's on iFanboy or even Amazon, so I couldn't imagine that type of system not existing.  I think the one great thing about this shorthanded method, "average ratings" in particular, is that it impels people to look deeper into the reviews and find out more.  If I see that a really popular book, like Green Lantern, has an average rating of 2, it makes me want to look at all those user reviews and discuss the book even further.  The ratings are a sort of precursor to the actual opinions.