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Name: Erin Abdelrazaq

Bio: http://ehodgepodge.blogspot.com/


Legend's Recent Comments
January 16, 2011 1:35 am Thanks!  Yeah, that's really the first infomercial I thought of.

Thanks also for mentioning that about the art.  I wasn't sure how he did it, but all I could say was that it had that watercolor feel.  Props to Ward for achieving that look with the digital brushes.
January 16, 2011 1:32 am Thanks.  I think those bits of cheesy jokes work because he only says that stuff as the Hobgoblin, which is sort of his other personality.  Along the lines of Superman/Clark Kent, Phil becomes much more insane and sinister when he's the Hobgoblin.  It's like the chains are released and he can say these cheesy bits of dialogue that are cleary evil and sometimes ironic at the same time.  He's like that cackling fool always trying to be funny in a twisted way, which I guess is an extension of that "twisted journalist" type like you mention.
December 24, 2010 3:29 am These made me very happy.  Thanks guys!  Happy holidays!
December 11, 2010 12:28 am Man, I caught up on all of Smallville this year, and this is the first episode I watched during its airtime, and now I have to wait more than a month for the next episode.  Great.  But honestly, this show has been amazing.  Great way to end it until January. 

Also, is there any information on Bart, Cyborg, and Aquaman?  Aquaman was back two episodes ago, but none of those characters' faces were shown at the end, only Black Canary.  It was obvious that the entire team was walking.  Can they not get the same actors to return?
December 4, 2010 12:20 am As many have said, my top two are Amazing Spider-Man #625 and Sword #24, but if I had to pick one: Amazing Spider-Man #625.  I don't think I've gotten more emotion out of a single issue than that one, and it is just one of those stories I will remember for awhile.  The moments feel so real and tragic.  A great single issue sticks with you, leaves you thinking and wanting more, which is what both AMS and Sword did.  I think AMS gets the edge mostly because of Max Fiumara's art, which elevated the issue's impact, the way Joe Kelly narrated the issue using multiple perspectives, and how it redefined a character in such a raw way.

I kind of wish I had picked up Brave and the Bold #33.  Need to hunt that down now...
November 29, 2010 9:47 pm

Does anyone know if and when this feature will air again?  I completely forgot to record this...

August 13, 2010 3:28 am I absolutely enjoyed this movie.  Just saw a midnight showing, and I actually spent the whole day before the movie reading books 2-6 to finish the series.  My excitement for this has been unbridled, so I'm glad the movie did not disappoint.
May 27, 2010 12:16 pm Is this a recommended "jumping on point" if someone has never read Thunderbolts before?
March 20, 2010 6:45 pm Does anyone know a good jumping on point for this title?  I've been loving the cosmic stuff for like a year now, but this is the only series I haven't read.  Could I just start here, or is it best to wait after the Thanos Imperative?
January 23, 2010 6:39 pm Dave Stewart's coloring is phenomenal.  I love the vibrant fantasy world juxtaposed with the milder reality.  The art overall made me enjoy this a lot.