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Name: Mark Schuepstuhl

Bio: Student and hopefully soon to be Ad guy from Germany, who has recently gotten back into Comics.

Kenzaburo's Recent Comments
August 1, 2009 11:13 am

Liked the movie in general. Since I saw New Frontier last week and First Flight this week, I didn't really need the origin story, but because this is more of a stand alone version, it might have been better to expand the origin a bit.

What actually confused me was something in the final battle.

Spoilers ahead!!!!!

 So, Hal destroys the yellow power battery, by smashing it with two moons, right? And we learned only moments before, that as soon as the battery stops working, the rings won't work either right? Hence the rain of GL rings on Oa. Why is it, that Sinestro's Yellow Lantern ring doesn't stop working, his force field fails and he suffocates in space? Am I missing something here?


And on another note: I am not 100% sure, but isn't Booddika supposed to look, uhm, more alien? She seemed like the hot purple chick (voiced by the very real and hot Tricia Helfer) and not the purple weird looking alien chick I thought she was. 

August 1, 2009 5:50 am

@comicBOOKchris yeah, I agree, GI Joe Resolute was kickass. I'd like to see more 80s cartoons updated that way. Although the last 10 minutes or so of the movie were somewhat cheesy again (Cobra still can't aim for shit).

 And to add on my first post: it's not like I hate anime in general, but to me there's some good stuff and then there's boatloads of crap. Ghost in the shell: SAC was enjoyable, so was Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo and Full Metal Alchemist. The Miyazaki films did not get all those awards for nothing either. But lots of stuff just makes me cringe. NGE is somewhere in between. 2/3 of the series were very intriguing, despite the incredibly unlikeable main character, but the ending - wow, WTF? Then I was told, that they did an alternate ending and released it in theaters, so I checked that out. Seriously, I was almost suicidal after that. For some reason this was a totally depressing mindfuck for me. Just horrible. 

 The irony in all this is, that most of my friends think that I love anime and manga, based on the fact that I japanese culture studies at university and am majoring in it. :) 

July 31, 2009 9:52 am

I think it might be hard to outshine Guy Gardern at the Corps Cocktail parties, don't you think? Now that man is certainly the life of the party. :)


July 31, 2009 9:50 am

Seriously, although the animation itself is good, the Captain Harlock dude looks totally ridiculous. I have seen enough cheesy villain designs in comic books, already. No need to add cheesy anime villains to that.

I wish Marvel was following DC in the way they put out their animation. But if you want to appeal to the anime crowd, then this might be the right thing.

As long as Stark doesn't turn into some whining 15 year old super-emo kid and retains some of his wit and confidence, this might be sort of good. You know, if you like that sort of thing. ;)

July 30, 2009 6:59 pm

I'm pretty sure come sunday, hilarity will ensue. Until now, Ron's recaps of XMF have been a blast and like Josh said, I guess, I won't touch that book wit a 10' pole, but I sure love Ron giving us his summaries of the plot.

Wolverine dead, Kitty having one of his claws...*shakes head*

Oh, lest I forget, no pressure, guys, about having to be hilarious on sunday. Just do your regular routine, I'll be laughing out loud and have the rest of the people on the train doubting my sanity...again!^^

July 28, 2009 7:03 am Superlight week here, since I'm not getting anything.^^ Enables me to save money for some ultrahard week that's to come soon, I guess.
June 30, 2009 6:49 pm

@sauceda: it's not that Brett was gonna leave the shop because he didn't like it. As I understood it he was in sort of the moral dilemma of buying books or trades at the shop he actually likes, paying normal retail, or shopping for some or all of his stuff online, thus saving up to xy%.

It's a question that had bothered me sort of as well. My store owner is a buddy of mine, but still, at times, when finances run low, I feel the need to buy stuff online. Nevertheless I feel somewhat bad about it at times, because I'm aware of my LCS being quite dependant on regular customers getting their books there.

 In the end it all comes down to money in my pocket and money in my buddy's pocket. The decision comes down to how my financial status is at the times. So it's like the guys said on the podcast, you gotta look out for yourself. 

June 26, 2009 7:49 pm

But it's not like you never liked Thor, Josh, right? I'm pretty sure that I remember you mentioning that you read Thor when you were younger.

But thanks for the heads up, guys. 

 Another note: Since I already brought up Ron looking tired/exhausted/sick/whatever...what's up with Conor looking kinda buffed? Has he been working out and doing all those extra crunches he planned on doing after the 300 podcast? :D 

June 26, 2009 7:16 pm

Uh...a couple of questions: although i'm afraid I'm opening a can of worms here, what's the beef with Thor? I mean, I know it's not stellar rock your socks off stuff, but it's not that bad. I got the iFanboys' attitude towards JMS, but I think Thor is kind of a good, fun read. Still I have seen numerous people mentioning it like there's some bad juju about it.

Second: as someone mentioned GI Joe Origins on here, uhm, why is this supposed to be good? I got the first issue and because of all the praise I heard I was expecting something good. What I found was rough storytelling 8sort of like the first few pages of Viking) and artwork that was horribly inconsistent. I mean, come on, Duke never looked even similar in any panels. Different faces all the damn time. There were errors of perspective and proportion. Just to make this clear, this is not a matter of taste, but obvious errors to me. THe main characters should have a consistent face and look. Just saying, you know.

Btw, Ron really looked like he was run over by a truck or something. Seems like he needs a vacation or something. Keep in mind that this is not supposed to be a rant but more of a concern.

In case he was just hung over, well...I hope he had fun the night before. :D 

June 26, 2009 1:59 pm

Absolutely second the Ellis/Hitch run on Authority. That was hilarious and entertaining. Like good Hollywood Popcorn flicks in comics.

Millar/Quitely was also pretty good.

 Still have to pick up any Hellblazer, but got too many trades lately and have to finish all of those first. :)