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Name: Mark Schuepstuhl

Bio: Student and hopefully soon to be Ad guy from Germany, who has recently gotten back into Comics.

Kenzaburo's Recent Comments
June 19, 2009 7:46 pm

@Josh and Connor: you know what he meant, guys. :)

But seriously, more Loeb? I read Ultimatum #1 and was not liking that story at all.

I am very much looking forward to Millar's new Ultimate Avengers, although I don't see the need for an additional Ultimates. Even though Cho is drawing it, and I like his art, there's no way in hell I'm gonna buy this one. Something about Loeb's writing rubs me all the wron way, I guess.

And although I wouldn't be surpised by Josh saying that he doesn't like Ultimate Avengers because of Millar probably sometime in the near future, I think the series has potential for greatness. Not that Josh is THE guy to say what makes or breaks a comic, you know. But if Millar was to write UA as he did with The Ultimates, then this is certainly gonna be fun.

And finally, I guess Millar's a bit like Michael Bay to me. He's good for the Blockbuster writing, with action Baysplosions going on everywhere, jut being entertaining, but for some it's sort of a one trick pony. Some people enjoy Bay movies, some don't. Same I've heard with Millar. With Loeb though I keep on hearing nothing good at all for quite some time now. He's kind of like Claremont, somehow having lost his writing mojo.

May 28, 2009 12:52 pm

Haven't gotten around to reading the newest Fables story arc yet since I'm rading in trades as well. But I can't imagine Willingham's writing suddenly going from great to crap. 

I certainly got a strong affinity for Fables since it is the book that got me back into comics after a 9 year hiatus. Started out with "The Good Prince" and this was a huge difference to the 90s stuff I remembered (Onslaught and other crap that bored me to death).

 So even if the book should feel different now, as long as the writing is still good, I'll tag along for the ride. :)