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Name: Jesse Rios

Bio: Grizzled Comic Veteran X-men Fanboy Marvel Zombie(20+ years)


Jesse1125's Recent Comments
April 23, 2013 7:38 pm If we have a hint of Surtur with the Twilight Sword (ala Walt Simonson) at the end, I'll squeal like a little girl
April 23, 2013 7:26 pm Love Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin!! Hemsworth was born to play him. Would it KILL him to wear a winged silver helmet tho?
April 23, 2013 7:15 pm I vote foe a TV Drama starring Neil Patrick Harris as Matt. Physically, he might not be a good fit but when I think of Matt I see a little Barney. CGI the action for all I care. Courtroom, private life, law practice drama would reel me in.
April 19, 2013 9:15 am Russell Crowe? Yes!! Costner? Yes!! Depiction of Krypton? Hell yes!! Personal gripe,I hope the whole Smallville, discovering my powers bit doesn't drag on for more than 1/3 of the flick.It would be nice just to be thrown into the action without retelling the origin(see first 20 min of Blade)
April 18, 2013 1:58 pm From the Big Apple,know that we stand with you at this painfull time. My faith in humanity is strengthened by the fact that the good people in this world will ALWAYS out number the bad
April 15, 2013 5:56 pm I went to the Disney Store here in NYC (times sq.) and I was shocked to see a little Marvel nook with some statues ,figures,shirts and even Hardcover's (Death of Phoenix)!!
April 15, 2013 5:52 pm I thought the EXACT same thing as I went with my family to Orlando this past Feb. I was Amazed at how much merchandise properties they own & was in full force at all the parks. Muppets, Star Wars, Jurrasic Park, Nightmare before christmas(never knew it was Disney property!). At Epcot in Japan I was AMAZED to see the variety of manga toys & characters, Dragon ball Z, Hello kitty, Sgt. Frog, Legoland store!? Very limited Marvel stuff(maybe a Tshirt or mug,keychain). I soo wanted to go nuts on Marvel merch. but it wasn't anything spectacular
April 6, 2013 9:29 pm Bring back the old Marvel Team-Up done by Hardman