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Name: J. R. Scherer



This is one utterly baffling book.  Is it even possible to decipher what the various ratings actually mean?   “Vulnerability”?  Huh?  To…

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Roger Stern back on Spider-Man is like manna from heaven.  When I first saw that he was going to be…

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What an unpleasant turn of events this issue turned out to be.  I positively LOVED the last three issues, but…

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JRScherer's Recent Comments
June 7, 2011 9:46 am Super Happy Fun Ball is actually an Infinity Gem.  It all makes sense now...
June 2, 2011 7:02 am This is art.
May 28, 2011 3:21 pm How is everyone seeing this pilot, anyway?  Has it been made available to the public?  If so, where do I find it?
May 9, 2011 8:22 pm @JamesSeals  "Personally, I would love to see Thor pitted against Hercules in a sequel"

That would be a blast as well, though I don't know if it'd be enough to support an entire film.
May 9, 2011 8:20 pm After Thor comes back in The Avengers I'd love to see a two-parter with Thor 2 & 3, ala Pirates of the Caribbean that condenses Simonson's Ragnarok storyline starting with the introduction of Beta Ray Bill, his fight against the demons chasing his space fleet, and culminating with Thor, Odin, and Loki joining forces to defeat Surtur.  Giant Anthony Hopkins grappling with a colossal fire giant just sounds awesome to me. 
May 9, 2011 8:13 pm @comicrelief1  "I had the impression that Mjolnir had enabled EVERYTHING pertaining to the wupass that Thor delivered the Destroyer.  Maybe in future film’s the distinction between Thor and the weapon will be made more clear. "

In the upcoming Hulk/Thor tussle that'll certainly be in The Avengers I'd love to see Thor put the hammer down and just go toe to toe with Hulk.  This has happened at least once or twice in the comics, where Hulk basically shamed Thor by telling him that he didn't stand a chance of beating him without his magic hammer.  Each time I've read Hulk vs Thor battles they've been very evenly matched (though Thor did actually kill Hulk in a classic What If? story).
May 8, 2011 5:40 pm @comicrelief1  Thor is not normally dependant on the hammer for his powers.  In the movie Odin stripped him of all of his powers and then enchanted Mjolnir so that once Thor was worthy enough those powers would be restored.  The hammer is a phenomenally badass weapon, but the raw physical power and the ability to control the weather is all Thor himself.  Without the hammer, Thor is still Hulk-class physically.
May 8, 2011 3:04 pm The Silver Surfer should not be drawn to have ears.  Or drawn by Tan Eng Huat at all, I'm thinking.  It's too bad Pelletier wasn't brought in for this series.  I've loved all of the Marvel cosmic stuff he's done so far.
May 8, 2011 1:03 pm I saw it in 2D and loved it.  I'm also in the camp that totally geeked out with how Thor whirled Mjolnir about comic book-style.  I especially loved his fight with the frost giants and while all of his companions were completely outclassed and overwhelmed he was just having the time of his life and not really even breaking a sweat. One of the things I always kind of fret over before seeing these movies is whether or not the characters' power levels will even come close to where they are in the comics.  I was extremely pleased to see that the filmmakers definitely portrayed Thor's power in the way I was hoping. 

Makes me think that Hulk will actually need a bit of power upgrade from what we saw in The Incredible Hulk in order to keep up with Thor, much less engage in a full-on slugfest with him.  Hemsworth mentioned that he gets to tussle with Hulk at some point in the Avengers movie.  I will be in fanboy Nirvana if we get a fight with power stunts like Hulk buses and Thor batting them aside with his hammer, the two of them smashing each other through buildings, etc.