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Name: Derrick Plotsky

Bio: I'm a 28 year old Master's student. I have fallen off most monthly comics but jumped more fully into trades. I also love video games and podcasts.


DMaggot's Recent Comments
June 2, 2011 5:30 pm I am immensely disappointed in this pricing plan. Same price for the digital copy is just...no. I was really excited for this, thinking it might get me back into comics, but I still can't justify that price for comics. Maybe I'll pick up a couple, or maybe I'll get some 4 weeks late.

When looking at the value proposition a $3 digital comic just pales in comparison to many of the other deals out there ($1 games). As somebody else said, this does not put it at the point of an impulse buy, and in my opinion that's a mistake.
June 1, 2011 4:44 pm Just gonna jump in on the pricing for the digital comics. I haven't been reading any single issues in a long time, mostly because I don't wanna pay that much for a comic book. So as to that, $2.99 would still be too much for me to pay for a single issue. $1.99? Maybe. But if it was $0.99 or $1.50 then I think I'd be much more likely to buy single issues again digitally. Preferably the $0.99 because it is a great price point for people.

As for all the renumbering...as somebody who doesn't read DC (and who barely did even when I read single issues) it's not a huge deal. As long as it all makes sense I'm okay with it.

But it is nice seeing a comic company stepping forward with this.
August 23, 2010 1:07 pm

My favourite of these is definitely the LWaC by Samnee. That is spectacular and I would love to have that on my wall.

But the Skeletor is pretty great too. 

June 29, 2010 4:37 pm

Nothing in my pull list this week, so I might check out that Spider-Ham book.

BQ: I'm definitely the Hannibal of my group. I like to have plans for everything (sometimes to a fault).

April 20, 2010 1:18 pm Yes. YES. Really looking forward to this now. Even if I suck at fighting games. Might even have to save up and buy an arcade stick...
April 20, 2010 2:41 am Oh...another book that I'm going to have to get. Blast!
April 20, 2010 2:38 am

I don't know why, but I've really been enjoying the Marvel teasers. Enough that I might jump back on one or more of the Avengers books. Maybe it's because I don't pay any attention to Previews and those teasers are all I've seen. Also, I only see those teasers when I want to click on the link, they aren't thrust into my inbox every day, so that might help too. I even enjoyed the Image parody, but then not so much the actual reveal (don't know why).

@Kick-Ass - Mentioning a delay while reviewing a book seems entirely reasonable. Comics use serial storytelling and a main component to keeping people hooked and making the story good is momentum. A 6-month delay will kill the momentum and defnitely tarnish a person's experience with the book. Mentioning it is something that has to be done when talking about the book.

April 20, 2010 2:23 am

ASM for me this week. Might also check out American Vampire.

BQ: District 9 (But Up and How to Train Your Dragon are close) and Empire Strikes Back.

April 8, 2010 6:51 pm

I will definitely try this game out, but I don't have really high hopes for it. But maybe it will surprise me like Arkham Asylum did last year.

I think that the 2099 Spider-Man is almost a no-brainer for them, but I'm not sure what the 4th one would be. I'd hope for either Spider-Ham or Zombie Spider-Man, but it might be difficult to make the Zombie Spider-Man into a hero for the story. 1602 might be the route they end up going. I don't think Utimate would be a good fit, I think it would feel too much like the normal Amazing Spider-Man to really set itself apart. 

March 8, 2010 3:36 pm

Amazing Spider-Man and Unwritten for me this week.

BQ: I would probably vote for either Up or District 9. Though I haven't seen Inglorious or Hurt Locker yet.