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Name: Craig Parker


Cranpa's Recent Comments
April 14, 2010 9:08 am Love the cover except for the fact there are no New Mutants on it.
November 12, 2009 2:02 am

I'm interested in the upcoming Magik arc, but I think Claremont is getting ahead of himself in creating a 'new secret history' of the team.


Am I supposed to understand if this is in continuity or not? Or is this like 'What If X-Men Second Class'?

October 11, 2009 11:03 pm I liked this, but I'm waiting for Warren to reallly put his spin on these characters. I'll stick with it, but I expect some magical storytelling to come from these creators. I've read that they are both excited to work with these characters, so I'd like to feel that excitement as a reader - and I fully believe both Ellis and Jimenez are able to give me that...
October 2, 2009 12:35 pm

I thought Angelica's mom was dead and she had a bad relationship with her Dad. I read the Firestar limited series way back when and I think there's some bad news where her parents are concerned.

I agree with you overall though. This book is deceptively stronger than it's title leads you to believe. Good characterizations and compelling drama throughout. Although I feel like Monica's personality has been changed a bit since her Avenger days. 

September 30, 2009 2:02 am

I really love this team and want the book to do well, but I'm only somewhat impressed with this run so far.

My problem has been "why?". Why are the New Mutants back together and how does that fit in with the rest of the X Universe? I think if Zeb can create a need for the group, then it can grow into something good. If not, then it's just another X book with a specific cast of characters, and the only reason they're together is because that's how it's always been. 

September 19, 2009 2:34 pm This series is shaping up nicely. One of the best single issues I've read all year. A nice reminder of how comics can tell stories like no other medium.

Too bad there wasn't enough love for Carey's 'Crossing Midnight'. I was a big fan of that too.
March 26, 2009 1:41 pm I'm glad to have Magik back, but 2 observations. First, it was awfully convenient to have Mercury be 'magic resistant' or whatever. What does that even mean? Also, was it me or did Pixie not return from Limbo. If so, could be an interesting loose end to explore someday. She's not my favorite by a longshot (pun intended), but it seems she's developed a following and this could at least be something worth exploring.
January 16, 2009 3:19 am Loved the original Magik mini-series. It seems like they're trying to take the character back to her roots.