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Name: Vern Griffiths



Captyn's Recent Comments
March 6, 2012 3:22 pm I really like that safari jacket look... mind you, I liked the West Coast Avengers Vision inspired green outfit, so what do I know...
March 5, 2012 10:17 am Ooo, they've gone dark and gritty - that'll suddenly make him fascinating...
August 8, 2011 5:02 pm Dude for a young lady, look no further than Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, cute doggy and Firestar - perfect, and available on DVD, I've got it for my girl (7) we're getting to it after Batman The Brave And The Bold.

Also, reconsider the 60s Spidey show, I was about her age when I saw that, and I loved it.
June 30, 2011 4:35 pm The dude far left is one of those 'amalgamated for the movie' typr characters, in that he is Union Jack, but is seemingly fulfilling the Pinky dynamic for the HCs.

Can not wait for this movie, I would like there to be one poster with the helmet, I guess they'll save that for the Avengers One-sheet..
June 22, 2011 7:41 am I concur about Owain Yeoman, sadly he's already in a hit show (not sadly for him, obviously, he's clapping his feet).

Patric's a really good actor, though, and he has the age, if not the ridiculous comic book height - this could still be good, cross your fingers, everyone...
May 25, 2011 12:53 pm I'm all for a Wonder Woman movie, and it would be great if Steve Trevor wasn't totally useless.

Can't disagree more about casting, though... Winstead is a good actress, but I want majesty from Diana, a regality, that I just don't see in her. Tatum and Knightley are horribly over-rated, and I'd happily never see them in anything ever again.

Somewhere out there is the perfect unknown actress for this role, 6' with that regal bearing and charisma that the part needs, the casting director just needs to do the search.
May 23, 2011 11:39 am Sort of morbidly interested in seeing this...

Not really aware of this actresses work, but I hear she's good, but she is having to fight that costume to look good. Just about everything is horrible, I won't say 'wrong' because there isn't one true version of any superhero's costume, but the shiny plastic look is vile. I know there has been some changes made in the comic regarding the tiara, but off the page its just too busy, and doesn't compliment her face at all. The same goes for the belt, boots and bracelets.

There has been a trend on film recently of making the costume really 'busy', tiny 'S' symbols all over the Superman Returns costume, the Spider-Man costumes, also suffered from this, its too much.

May 7, 2011 4:57 am So important to go for the right actor every time.

I remember the argument the other way when D B Sweeny was cast as Spawn's best friend, people were really annoyed about that, about them 'whitening' the comic cast for the movie, they were looked on more kindly than the 'racists' who thought Heimdal should be white, but that's how it is.

Little did we know at the time that Spawn had bigger problems, bigger even than D B Sweeny...

It is an interesting argument, race is seen as such a big part of one's existence, personality, social experience, etc. that surely it changes a character. I'm sure this 'colour-blind' casting will continue for smaller roles, but only in this direction, white to black, (no network is going to risk the wrath of going the other way).

I doubt we'll see it in major characters, though, perhaps because most of these iconic characters are over 50 years old, and the circumstances of their origins and major character traits are tied to that era.

The media always throws out the "Will Smith for" whichever character story, in some odd attempt to make movie companies seem racist. But whom could he really play out of the parts he's supposedly been up for? Jame Bond? Now, whilst I am totally in favour of a Will-Smith-Super-Spy movie, 007 is such a dinosaur of a character that his callousness and chauvanism, two traits that totally make him work, would be read completely differently in a black character, stereotypical faux images that black actors have been working against since before Blaxploitation, would mean that those traits would be modified or removed making a character that is suitable for Will Smith to play, but is no longer James Bond.

How about Captain America? Well, this is the opposite, Mr Smith's agent would be only too pleased for his client to play the embodiment of the American Way, but here its the period that works against him, any Cap origin movie would have to happen during WWII, and now the whole movie is about a black man being Cap, too huge an issue at that time to realistically ignore. Again, the changes necessary to make this work stops it being a Captain America film.

Although, I'd have liked to have seen Beyonce as Wonder Woman... although that might not be totally for unselfish reasons... In that case I don't know whether it would have been odder to see a black Wonder Woman, or Beyonce with black hair...

I hope Marvel get their act together and bring more of their black characters to the screen, they should, perhaps remember that it was Blade that started this new wave of superhero flicks. I'd love to see a Cloak and Dagger TV show, and a Black Panther movie would be ace. I understand that thes are 'in development' as well as a Luke Cage movie, which could also be excellent (personally I'd prefer a 70s set yellow blouse Power Man movie, but I'm getting old, I guess).

I assume that the current delay is due to waiting for The Avengers to hit and settle, its a huge outlay for Marvel/Disney and the reaction is bound to colour where they go next. I hope that they are working on these projects, because of the one true reason every fanboy wants a comic book movie to be made - it'd be cool.
May 4, 2011 3:22 pm Thor: He really is enjoying that pee...

Loki: It's one way to melt a Frost Giant...