Name: Dahlia M.
Bio: In the worlds before Dahlia, primal chaos reigned. Heaven sought order, but the phoenix can fly only when itsĀ feathers are grown. Time and the pure essences of heaven all worked upon a certain rock, old as creation. It became magically fertile - the first egg was named 'Thought'. Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said "With our thoughts, we make the world". Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch; from it came a stone Dahlia. The nature of Dahlia was irrepressible!!UPDATE 16:21 February 2nd 2011 - rhetorically bashed again by iFanboy staff and members!! another blow to my fragile ego, la tristesse durera!UPDATE! 20:36 February 10th 2011 -- i really don't think Mr. Conor likes us very much! it's remarkable, i expect we could make things alright in person but clearly our sense of humour does not find favour at this distance...a shame, but there it is.
there's no point me trying to say something witty and erudite in an attempt to open people's eyes about how sterile and bleak this future will be, i'm only bothering to comment at all so that the historians will know some people at least were not suckered into meak obeisance with promises of Star Trek technology and soma.
Wow indeed!
UPDATE! also, it occurs to me--has anyone noticed, this could be going to be another big-neck movie? you know what i mean, the ones where all the actors have overdeveloped neck muscles and such?? like Batman Begins, The Dark Knight etc.--although at one point they did seem to acknowledge this, which was slightly impressive à mon avis, however; maybe that one time was enough, we can go on to the next stage now PaRappa???
let me know what you think!
objection your honour!!, he said it's hand-drawn but he's using computers?? no no no!!
has anyone seen the old Captain America film, where The Red Skull was playing the piano and stuff like that? --was good, i thought.
p.s. i have never played this game--but i reserve the right, in this age of highly-sophisticated theories of marketing, to judge books by their covers.
a splendid idea :)
Spider-Man on the Sega Mega Drive [Sega Genesis to you Americans,] that's the one to go for