iFanboy Video Podcast

iFanboy #199 – Inside DC Comics (Part One)

Show Notes

Ever wonder what it looks like inside the offices of your favorite comic publisher? Ever think about what it is that an editor actually does? Did you know that DC Comics actually publishes MAD Magazine? This week, we take you behind the walls of DC Comics, and we talk to some of the folks who make the books on your comic book store shelves.

Ron starts out in executive editor Eddie Berganza‘s office, where they talk about what the job entails, including how to pull together a massive event like Flashpoint. Berganza also worked on other big events like Infinite Crisis and Blackest Night with writer, Geoff Johns. How he gets anything done in that wonderful office, we’ll never know.

Conor takes us into Superman group editor Matt Idelson‘s office next, where they discuss the legacy of Superman, books focusing on villains like Action Comics, and what the editor needs to do when a creative team shifts gears as happened recently.

Finally, Josh journeys into the deep recesses of the MAD Magazine offices, where he speaks with MAD executive editor John Ficarra. They discuss how the legendary magazine stays relevant in the 24 hours news and comedy cycle with The Daily Show and the internet. Ficarra talks about some of the wonderful artists featured in MAD over the years, and they take a trip down the MAD-tropolitan Museam of Art, where low brow is high brow.

Come back next week for even more from the DC Offices.


Get Involved

Doing the podcast is fun and all, but let's be honest, listening to the 2 of us talk to each other can get repetitive, so we look to you, the iFanboy listeners to participate in the podcast! "How can I get in on the fun?" you may ask yourself, well here's how:

  • E-Mail us at contact@ifanboy.com with any questions, comments or anything that may be on your mind.

Please don't forget to leave your name and where you're writing from and each week, we'll pick the best e-mails to include on the podcast!


  1. This sounds awesome.  Downloading.
  2. That was really fun and amazing, I’ve seen them all and I’d put this up there in the top 3 video shows you’ve done. great work.

  3. Awesome episode guys, job well done, even if that guy told us nothing particularly useful about Flashpoint. Can’t wait for next weeks episode!

  4. This sounds amazing and informative.  Downloading now.

  5. Great show. Finally know what editorwork means. The superman-editor seemed kinda sad (JMS fault?). Favorite part was the Mad editor interview. He’s got a good sense of humor.

  6. Great show, I hope in part two someone answers the why is DC so behind on collected editions quesion!

  7. Excellent episode! Did the show you the room with the walls covered in Geoff Johns’ scribblings?

  8. This was very well done, gentlemen.  Excellent work.  Can’t wait for part 2.

  9. Do we get a giant sized episode next week? Or are you just going to tack on Episode 1 on after the credits?

  10. That was fucking awesome.  Thanks!

  11. Wow. Every kid’s dream!

  12. As a long time DC fan, this was a great episode. So interesting and insightful to see a peek behind the scenes. John Ficarra in particular seems like a great guy. I loved his sense of humor and ability to work jokes as old as vaudeville into the conversation.

    Well done, you three. This is an episode of which to be proud.

  13. Good on Eddie Berganza for having a Wolverine toy amongst all the DC statues, books, and figures!  Comics pros being comics fans is always cool.  (Unless it was put there as an Easter Egg prank from other DC guys.  If so, then good on them!)

  14. good episode, i can understand everyone at DC is still feeling pretty smug about the Different-Coloured Lanterns but i would have pointed out that actually orange is really not associated with greed etc., i am confident of this–possibly someone somewhere in the world thinks it is but if they do then they never told anybody! oh yes, and the Pink Lanterns–that is the girl one of course; clever.


  15. Awesome, awesome episode, guys! Great job all round. The MAD segment was especially awesome.

  16. John Ficarra is a great character. Thanks for this.

  17. Great episode guys…the MAD segment was funny. Loved all those paintings. Can’t wait to see next weeks installment. Hopefully they let you guys into the archives. That place is waaay awesome. 

  18. This week’s episode is brought to you by A Little Bit of Both! If you’re an editor and are presented with two choices in an interview, don’t confirm one thought or the other; stand right in the middle with A Little Bit of Both!

    Was this a great show or the greatest show? A little bit of both.

  19. Great episode, boys.

    also, does eddie berganza know his looks like and has a name very similar to george costanza?

  20. Great episode. Doesn’t play well on the Driod.

  21. well done, guys. cool idea for an episode

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