Article Archive

VIDEO: Black Widow Shares Her Seat for MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS

This time she doesn’t even have a gun.

Adapt or Die

Why do we get so excited when they make our comics into something else?

Comic Book Movie Anticipation

And I don’t mean movies that are funny.

Norton Spices Up Your Tuesday with ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ Buzz

Mike’s friends in the marketing department have made released a video about Marvels The Avengers and it made his Tuesday a bit brighter.

Countdown to Everything

Marvel’s The Avengers! The Amazing Spider-Man! The Dark Knight Rises! Thor 2, eventually! What’s got you counting down?

ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN Media Day: Talking Marvel Animation wth Joe Quesada, Jeph Loeb, Clark Gregg, & Stan Lee

And a little bit about Marvel’s The Avengers too!

Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye is a Terrible Archer

He’s not going to hit anything like that.

Marvel’s The Avengers Gets Five New Character Posters

Meet the Avengers!

VIDEO: The Biggest Trailer Yet for ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’

Hold on to your butts!

Marvel’s The Avengers Gets a New Marvel’s The Avengers Movie Poster

No assembly required.