EARTH 2 #1
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Art by Nicola Scott & Trevor Scott
Cover by Ivan Reis & Joe Prado
Size: 40 pages
Price: 3.99
Not a good start for this book. Nothing distinctive. Could be about any run of the mill supergroup. Solid art let down by mundane story. Might give this one just one more issue.
Story: 2 - Average
Art: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good
Did we read the same comic? I thought the story a bit shocking and I’m intrigued about what is to come now that the worst has happened.
You did not read the same book.
he must be gently satirizing bad reviews
I have to agree with the above comments, this was a shockingly GOOD read for me, especially from the current New 52 which there’s been a lot of crapola!