Review by: akamuu

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Price: 2.99

A number one issue of a long-term Batman series is the kind of job most comic book writers dream of.  You’re never going to see a Batman #1 by Chuck Austen or whatever automated machine they’ve had cranking out Archies for the last fifty years.  And, whether you like his writing or not, Grant Morrison is clearly one of the most talked about comic creators of this millenium.  The biggest question about Batman & Robin #1  was whether this was going to be Black Glove/New X-Men/All-Star Superman Morrison, or Final Crisis/RIP/Sea Guy Morrison.  My money was on All-Star Supes Batman, and not just because Quitely was involved, but because you can try and be creepy and clever when you’re tying Batman into your own “surreal” cross-over epic, but when you’re taking iconic characters in #1 territory, you set out to write a strong, iconic story, not some bullshit involving flying fish who watch Disney.

But this isn’t an anti-Morrison rant.  It’s pro-Morrison.  This is the good one.  The one who focuses on story, and not “surrealism”.This issue is a good jumping on point for someone who’s never read a Batman story, and it’s not a jarring changeup for those of us who just got done reading Battle For The Cowl.  I’m wracking my brains to try and think of who’s not going to like this story (and there’s always someone),but I haven’t figured it out yet.  It even starts with a kick-ass new (if he’s not new,and I am just oblivious to him, I apologize) villain  (not the henchmen, read to the end). All in all, excellent.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Nice jumpstart.  Batman & Robin #1 looks like it’s going to turn into a pretty alright story, but I don’t see anything marvelous yet.  Still, I’m glad BFTC is over and Dick Grayson is the "reborn" Batman, just not sure if I’m excited enough to make it my pick.  I still got seven other pulls to read…

  2. Morrison managed to be far less complicated, yet the story was just as layered.  This was really an achievement.

  3. The dolls piling out of the funhouse was a ridiculous panel.  Can’t wait to see more of what they’re about

  4. @robby: It wasn’t my pick of the week, either.  I went with Chew #1, which looks to be an amazing series.  This was merely a very good Batman story.  Which is great, and all, but, yea, not mind-blowing.  What did you end up choosing as your pic?


    @Templar & Cutty: Amen.

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