Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 4.0%


BIbliomike09/15/08NoRead Review
leigh08/22/08YesRead Review
LazarusBoy08/20/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. I cannot imagine a cover that would make me less interested in purchasing a book.

  2. Really? Cause I’m all over this.

  3. That cover hasn’t encouraged me to keep going either. I’ve now dropped S+B

  4. Any chance this is a one-shot?   Because contrary to some of the comments, the cover totally makes me want this book.

  5. Man this series has really just gotten worse overall! The last issue… If anyone read it was just ridiculous. There was no need for it then and there is no need for the comic to keep coming out now.

  6. @conor – You gave this a 5?  Wow.  I didn’t pick it up because the cover was so weak and the story sounded ridiculous.  Is it really that good.  I generally trust you opinion on anything DC because our preferences seem to match up.  Honestly, do I need to go pick this up?

  7. So that’s where Ryan Sook is hiding!

    X-Factor misses you, Ryan. Come back to us. 

  8. This book was awesome. It was probably one of the funniest issues I have read in a long time. Beware those of you who are humourless! You shall probably hate it because it has no grit.

  9. Man i take back my last remark and say this issue… Rocked. Way funny. and not just "ha thats funny" but acutal laugh out loud funny. Consider me impressed after that one.

  10. Great Caesar’s Ghost, that was just awful.

  11. Albuquerque should draw more books… so should Sook.  They’re awesome.  The story is just average but the art is awesome.

  12. The page with lil’ batman saying "I’m the goshdarn Batman". That had me rollin’ it was so funny.

  13. @nstorts – I agree with that completely.  Cheesy issue, but I still had a lot of fun with it.  Lighten up, kids…just have fun once in a while, will ya?

  14. @nstorts — interactions between batman and lil batman… PRICELESS!

  15. This was terrible, I do have a sense of humor and there was nothing funny about this.

    This series has been god awful since Loeb left the title….practically unreadable. Why is this still coming out anyways? Trinity is out and I’m sure it looks really silly to have 2 seperate Batman/Superman team up books in the same week…..Just plain awful.

  16. Kid versions of heroes? I don’t get it. Or are the midgets? If they’re midgets then it’s pretty awesome.

    Very strange issue.

  17. Kneecap!

  18. I liked it.  It will silly but it was fun.  My girlfriend loved it.  We both laughed a lot reading this.

  19. TONS of fun.

  20. I got a huge amount of fun out of this book

  21. Damn fine book.  I still think the cover is going to drive some potential buyers away, but this was genuinely funny.

  22. i was all over this. i love the art and i love the concept.

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