Comic Books

NOVA #24

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.1%


TheNextChampion05/02/09NoRead Review
DenverDave05/02/09NoRead Review
coleman04/30/09NoRead Review
changingshades04/30/09NoRead Review
coltrane6804/29/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I guess DiVito is taking over full time?….That sucks, I want my Alves!

    Last issue was disappointing, but hopefully this huge war will make this series better.

  2. i want alves. last issue was meh…hoping that it will be better soon

  3. Alves is on Dark Reign: Ascension and then…?

    I personally like Di Vito… but I’m from Italy so I’m probably a little partial…

  4. I actually like Di Vito too.  I felt like the issues before he showed up were pretty yuck…  Too bad Pelletier can’t draw everything cosmic for Marvel.

  5. Can anyone explain why the Gladiator dude went from Mohawk to Fauxhawk?

  6. I’m very happy with DiVito as the regular artist on this book.

  7. Comics done right, plain and simple!

  8. Another good issue of Nova.  I wish Pelletier was on this a GotG though.

  9. That Halo 3 reference was uncalled for =(

  10. @Aquaman huge fan of Halo 3 then I take it? lol.

  11. Killer issue… literally! Kept hearing Monster Magnet in my head when i was reading… "Ego, The Living Planet" off ’95s "Dopes to Infinity"

  12. @coleman

    no, no im not. Its only outsanding feature is its smooth gun mechanics. Unrelated!! I dident like the way it was dropped in the issue.

  13. I’m starting to lose interest in this series. Which scares me, cause it’s not like AnL are doing a bad job….it’s just that this series is starting to bore me. I hope this WoK tie-in means somehow Worldmind is back within Rider. That’s the only thing I think can make this title interesting again

  14. I, on the other hand, am still loving this. It knows what it is and does what I showed up for.

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