Comic Books
Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.1%
User | Added | Spoilers | |
FraggleUprising | 10/16/09 | No | Read Review |
changingshades | 10/16/09 | No | Read Review |
TheNextChampion | 10/14/09 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.5
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this isnt funny
Aw ma, Jason Aaron and Joe Kelly?
But I really don’t wanna get this.
I’ll have a look, see how many pages those two get. Hurm.
This is porn for me.
Having Joe Kelly back with Aaron, Duane S, Van Lente, and Huston on as writers? Then you have Liefield, Baker, Crystal, and Staggs as artist? It’s a good day to be a Deadpool fan.
Although here’s a troubling thought: Where the hell is Way and Medina in this? Arguably those are the two names that brought Deadpool back into the spotlight. Their lack of involvement is a bit of a problem for me.
@TheNextChampion seeing as how this appears to be a just for fun issue I’m willing to look past the fact that Medina and Way aren’t on it. I’m just going to enjoy the Deadpool-ey chocolate coated goodness that this is sure to be.
minus the liefield art this could be my pick of the CENTURY!!!
Boy with a list of creators like THAT headlining this book I’m just gonna have to look over my general indifference toward the Merc with a Mouth and pick this up!!
A Jason Aaron Deadpool story. I am sold. Everything else is just gravy.
Any chance of Aaron taking of the main title.
I’m getting this but I don’t think I’ll be getting #899 and down. I see this as a fun experiment, but one monthly Deadpool book is enough for me. Usually.
Can’t wait Joe kelly & DP is awesome.
I had no idea Aaron was involved in this. I am even more excited.
@SunnyvaleTrash I was surprised as well. Definitely picking this up.
I’m excited for Aaron doing a story in this. Although I’m not sure he is the type of writer for a character like Deadpool. He’s perfect for Punisher considering his track record on violent comics; but for the most part I don’t find much humor into what Aaron writes. Well I won’t be so sure until tomorrow so I’m not gonna say anything definite.
I never before though I’d live in a world where Deadpool was getting this much love and attention, but I’m completely estatic about it. He’s one of my favorite characters, and having this huge issue of all these stories is probably the best thing in the world. Of course, I’m most excited for Joe Kelly returning to write a story for the character he made amazing.
This was….okay. It had a couple of great stories but then mixed in with medicore and bad stuff.
The highlights were the Joe Kelly/Rob Liefeld and Duane Swierczynski/Shawn Crystal stories for seperate reasons. Seeing Kelly and Liefeld back to their pride/joy made me smile to no end. Seriously it’s some of Liefeld’s best work inside this comic. The other story was just a hilarious CSI parody and being a huge fan of the show I couldn’t get enough of it.
Other then that….it was pretty ho-hum for me. Jason Aaron was the biggest disappointment as nothing was good about the story. Charlie Huston had a great idea but it got hampered by bad artwork from Kyle Baker. Overall it’s a solid 3/5 for me. Could’ve been done better.
Mike Benson and Damian Scott’s story was VERY good.
Loved it loved it loved it! Great humor (except for the Victor Gischler story, which sucked huge balls) and all the elements I love about this character.
Fred Van Lente’s story was GREAT!
I’m excited for Deadpool Team-up, DP and Herc for the win!
I thought this was terrible except for the Benson/Baker story.
@Sunnyvale – have to agree.
LMFAO! ROB LIEFELD! I KNEW IT THE MOMENT I TURNED THAT F’ING PAGE. THEY DON’T NEED HIS NAME ON THAT PAGE XDDDD!! WE ALREADY KNOW! God, I never really knew what a visceral image his art is when you look at it. Worst part is I loved that Deadpool when he was first introduced in New Mutants…
Hey I decided to open up my old New Mutants #98… and it just struck me that Deadpool was #$@%’ing scary. Anyone else miss the old scary version of Deadpool?
yeah i miss that part of him when you dont know if he gonna bust out a bea arthur line or shoot you in the face for no reason.
Man that is just fowl..hahaha