There are parts of the ocean even Aquaman should not enter. Now Aquaman and Mera must descend into uncharted territory: the smoky black crevice at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, home of the cannibalistic creatures known only as the Trench.
One last secret behind these loathsome creatures will be revealed as “The Trench” thunders toward its bloodcurdling conclusion!
Written by GEOFF JOHNSArt and cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.3%
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robbydzwonar | 01/12/12 | No | Read Review |
Megatron217 | 01/04/12 | No | Read Review |
Flash923 | 12/30/11 | Yes | Read Review |
TheNextChampion | 12/28/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.9
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One of the best of 2011 as well!! Aquaman has never been more wanted.
I agree completely. Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis are making it one of my fav books in my pool
This is going to be cool. Looking forward to see what kind of horror AC and Mera will find down below sea.
This is my favorite DC character right now
The page count, I feel has been hurting this issue. But I am enjoying it. The next arc, I’m waiting for trade.
I am trade-waiting this series. Each issue seems light to me, too.
You guys may have the right idea. They weren’t bad (and the art is great) but very little substantial plot occurred in the first three issues. Since this is the conclusion of the arc I’ll see how it goes first before dropping the singles.
It’s always a good sign to a year when your reading an Aquaman comic to end it.
Is this the end of the arc?
aquafresh….too funny
Very solid conclusion. I honestly can say I will stick with it knowing now that john’s is going to do an atlantis story arc next. quite excited. 4/5
Aquadog!! Ha Ha… fish jokes will never get old when it comes to Aqua(fresh)man…
I want to see that dog underwater in full scuba gear getting in on the action!
I’d never read an Aquaman comic before September, but after hearing the positive buzz I decided to give the first arc a shot. While I enjoyed this first storyline, I’m dropping the title after issue #4. I was hoping for more “meat” to the plot, but everything seemed to wrap up too quickly. Loved the art, but not enough punch to the story to keep me coming back. Looking ahead as a new reader, I don’t care about Atlantis or who sunk it. Makes it easy to walk away and check out other books that I’ve missed like Animal Man and Swamp Thing.
I like this series, it’s fun and goes down easy. I agree with the above comment, though: I don’t really care who sunk Atlantis, so I don’t know if I’ll stick around for that arc.
This was probably on of the best arcs this year in any comic. Having never read Aquaman before, this arc was simple and fun and yet, it still got me interested. Do i know anything about Atlantis and who might have sank it? Nope but if it is as fun as this arc count me in.
Underwhelming finale. I was waiting for the cliffhanger to be something huge but we got nothing.
I am, however, interested in the “Fall of Atlantis” story coming up so it’s not like I’ll be dropping Aquaman anytime soon.
I don’t think I will be buying day and date on this. Not going to completely give it the axe but I will see how the next couple issues are received till I buy them.
Didn’t Aquaman himself sink Atlantis during the Obsidian Age storyline?
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but DC is doing this thing where they reboot their whole line of books…
And didn’t they say the stuff that came before still happened?
@AquaPimp82: Some did and some didn’t. For instance, clearly nothing in those old Superman stories happened in the new continuity.
I think I share the same view as the little boy in this issue. Looking forward to the Atlantis story and I like that the trench might play some kind of role in it. This was my POTW
a big “awwwwe” moment for me when i read the little boy scene. also my potw.
Issue #1 was great, with a cool combination of humor and action, but I’ve just lost interest over the course of this first arc. I’m actually glad that things wrapped up so fast, because now I can drop this title and focus more on my favorites in the New 52 instead.
Done with this book. Call me when Johns stops writing.
Dropped. Aquaman remains as relevant as before New52 ie, not at all. The promise of that first issue really fell off quick.
More than any other comic at DC, I feel the short page count with this one. This is a great example of how writing for a trade hurts a story arc, pretty weak wrapup to a promising story.
If he were writing for the trade wouldn’t it be a five or six issue arc?
I thought the ending was a bit underwhelming too though.
yeah, it was a super fast read.
Happy to be off my pull list. This 4 issue arc was ok, but what really happened? Nothing. I still don’t get the crazy doctor in issue 3
Glad he got a “Aqua-dog” though
not too epic, not too simple. a nice balance for the first arc. very happy with this series. the story has been both nicely drawn and well paced. johns is still a great writer and when you team him reis, you get cream of the crop quality. dc is really on top of their game right now.
i wanna know what happened to atlantis, so i’ll definitely be here next month.
same aqua time, same aqua channel.
POW, easy choice this week!! The Flash dipped off a little and this issue really just ended a very good story arc very nicely. The Trench are not done I am sure of this!! They are freaking creepy, a horror fanatics dream! Artwork and story perfect score and the ending was a classic comic book fans dream.
I have to say that I loved this initial story arc. A lot of the books (looking at you Stormwatch) went way to big way to fast and are getting mired in complex plots while lacking in character. This book focused on Aquaman and his lady friend and I feel like I really got to know them and their place in this rebooted New 52 world. The Trench will certainly return at some point but for now they did their job by providing us with a clear and concise first arc.
It’s either this or Batgirl that get my vote for shittiest first arc of the New 52.
This entire story arc could have been told in one single issue (even a 20 page short one, at that). I got to the end of issue #4, and thought what the heck… that’s IT?! Yes, the posts above were spot-on; the word to describe this $11.96 arc is “underwhelming,” indeed.
I’m way behind so I’m just reading this now. I pretty much agree with the comments here. The conclusion of the Trench story was beautifully drawn and straight forward. I also thought, “that’s it?!” It would have been fine if this was a 2 issue story arc. John’s big weakness remains his slow pacing at a time when decompression is going out of style.
I’ll give #5 a shot for the potential the series has and the artwork. But if there’s not something I can stink my teeth into that issue I’m out.