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Trailer: ‘The Wolverine’ Teaser

“What they did to me, what I am, can’t be undone.”

Top 5: Marvel Comics Catchphrases

We believe that everyone deserves a catchphrase. Check out the top five ones that are constantly proclaimed by Marvel Comics characters.

New Comics for 03.27.2013 is most excited for the premiere of ‘Game of Thrones’

I like comics! You like comics! Let’s get ready for winter because it’s apparently coming!

iFlashback! March 24th, 2004

This time nine years ago you were probably on spring beak, reading comics and just enjoying life. Check out which comics you might have purchased back in 2004.

VIDEO: Iron Man 3 International and Kids’ Choice Awards TV Spots

Who hops in the suit next? Tony certainly has a few extras lying around…

Wizard World St. Louis: Local Con Makes Good

A Midwestern town with low self esteem lands the biggest convention it’s seen in decades. Will it be a success or make everyone look bad in front of Lando and The Fonz?

Great Pages: STRANGE TALES #89

Fin Fang Foom destroys the Great Wall of China.

Trailer: ‘Infinite Crisis’ Brings MOBA Gameplay to the DC Universe

And it’s free-to-play.

Comic Book Casting: The CAPTAIN MARVEL (Carol Danvers) Movie

Step aside, Captain America… there’s a new hero in town.

Preview: PLANETOID #5

Frogs vs. Robots!