Article Archive

‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ – S02E18 – “The Parent Trap”

Will this one guest star Lindsay Lohan?

‘Beware the Batman’ – S01E03 – “Tests”

This should be an interesting take on Anarky.

Movie Review: ‘The Wolverine’ (Spoiler Free)

An atomic bomb and a murdered bear spur Logan on a much needed (totally painful) Japanese vacation.

Weekly Sketch Up – 07.26.2013

This week: the cutest WWII battlefield I’ve ever seen.

Comics Back Then: Simpler Times?

Times have changed and so have comics. How does a new generation of fans experience comics? Do they even care?

The Best of the Week in Covers – 07.24.2013

Only the best.

‘The Wolverine’

The Quest To Find The Jacket (And Kill Ninjas)

Hank Pym: Where Do I Start?

The smallest — and biggest — Avenger ever.

Great Moments in Comics History: Superman #62

Superman’s Pal, Orson Welles.

How Much Does Clark Kent Weigh?

More like Man of Lard, am I right?