Article Archive

iFanboy Upstarts: Pietro Antognioni

MAD MEN style ad agency artist, freelance minister, art professor, and budding comic artist who loves to draw dinosaurs.

My Insomnia Loves These Comics

Mike’s getting less sleep these days and he blames comics — happily!

Light Week? Try THE ACTIVITY #14, COLLIDER #1 or OPTIC NERVE #13

A #1, a #13, and a #14. We will curveball at our leisure!

Top 5: Worst Sons and Daughters of Superheroes

A cautionary tale for any superheroes hoping to juggle their jobs with raising children.

New Comics for 07.31.2013 are Headed to Cabot Cove, Maine

You like comics, we like comics, ayuh!

iFlashback! July 28th, 2004

It was a huge weeks in comics nine years ago. Check the books you were reading back in 2004.

Own It, Nerd

You might as well be proud of your geekiness. Consider the alternative. A cautionary tale.

Great Pages: THE TOMB OF DRACULA #10

Blade the vampire hunter makes his debut with a bold ’70s look.

Comic Book Casting: The GREEN LANTERN Live-Action Movie

It’s not the first time a superhero movie based on a green hero has been revamped. Sorry, Reynolds.

‘Marvel’s Avengers Assemble’ – S01E06 – “Super Adaptoid”

The no face thing? Creepy.